The Epstein Barr Virus EBV which causes Mononucleosis works to 1) damage the myelin sheath and 2) damage the vascular system. So, there we have it. So one needs to 1) de-activate the latent EBV and 2) open blood/CSF circulation (CCSVI).
Dr Zivadinov’s 4 criteria which defines who gets MS seems to be generally accepted in the MS research community. So how do they apply to me ?
- Yes, I developed Mononucleosis caused by the Epstein Barr virus (EBV) at age 9.
- And 3) Vitamin D deficiency. Yes,I grew up in a Northern Latitude, Washington State USA. Worse, I was born in May after the long dark winter which deprived mother and baby of Vitamin D. I don’t know if I have the genetic profile discovered in Dr Ebers research, but my English/Irish/Dutch ancestry fits the geography. See below
Interpretation: A causative role for CYP27B1 in MS is supported; the mutations identified are known to alter function having been shown in vivo to result in rickets when 2 copies are present. CYP27B1 encodes the vitamin D-activating 1-alpha hydroxylase enzyme, and thus a role for vitamin D in MS pathogenesis is strongly implicated. »
4) Yes, until age 18 I was subject to second hand smoke. Both my parents smoked; Low oxygen environment? I myself don’t smoke.
OK, let’s look further into this, and consider what could have been done to avoid the MS future.
Dr Ebers believes Vitamin D supplementation for mother and child could prevent future MS for the child. The recent Covid 19 experience amply demonstrated that those with high Vit D levels avoided hospitalization and death, so we will accept the vital role of Vit D in infectious disease. Would that have protected me against falling ill with Mono and the EBV ?
Fall 1957 I fell violently ill with the « Asian » flu (Influenza A virus subtype H2N2). I remember lying in bed feeling I was being sucked into a hole. I was dying. Using Covid 19 as a recent model, did that illness damage my vascular system ? My immune system ? Did successive « flus » thereafter exacerbate the damage ?
This « Asian » flu probably left me open to developing Mononucleosis shortly thereafter. Mono’s EBV is known to damage the vascular system. (The FB site SOLVING MS offers an excellent series of articles which I blog posted on May 3, 2024 « Could EBV be the cause of venous vascular problems in MS » Oct/31/2023 Published on SOLVING MS FB MAY 2024
(Effect of EBV toxic proteins LMP1 and EBER1 on veins, Can Epstein-Barr virus cause vasculitis? Could Toxic EBV Proteins Damage Collagen in Veins and Cause Stenosis? Hypoxia in MS, Hypoxia in Long Covid, Niacin Flush, Dr. Owsley chemical treatment for CCSVI)
I believe Homeopathic treatment could have saved me from the flu and Mono. I now successfully use Oscillococcinum to head off the first signs of a cold or flu. Obviously Homeopathy was unavailable to me in Allopathic America with 2 Allopathic MD uncles. (And as an aside, recently this remedy didn’t work to head off Covid 19. But the forbidden anti viral Ivermectin DID. Within 12 hours of taking it the fever dropped and I was on the mend.)
Homeopathy is a complex subject to be developed later in this book. Called « Unicist » in France, Classical Homeopathy seeks a single remedy to address the entire symptomalogy. Besides treating a passing illness, the Homeopath seeks a foundational remedy to protect the patient in general. (Pulsatilla is currently that remedy for me.) The remedies are VERY inexpensive (2.20 euros a tube). The main expense is the introductory interview with the Homeopath which may take up to 2 hours.
(In any case this treatment doesn’t interest big Pharma which is probably why the French Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn announced during the summer of 2019 the end of its reimbursement. This same Dr Buzyn late January 2020 took Hydroxychloroquine HCQ off the French over the counter market after Dr.Didier Raoult had declared it could effectively treat Covid 19. I then suspected her allegiance to Big Money. These same interests had suppressed Homeopathy during my childhood.)
So at age 9 I harbored the time bomb of EBV infection as well as a vascular weakness which could lead eventually to MS at age 32.
Dr. Zamboni and his colleagues have observed that the veins of the back and spine in MS patients are deformed. I believe childhood stress actually impedes proper development of these veins much as Chinese foot binding impeded the growth of a girl’s feet. At age 9 and later on my father was concerned by the extreme tension in my upper back. Aside the negative impact of my mothers hysterical outbursts, I recognize now that I laboured under the imperative to Succeed. I’ll call this Success Stress. (See the June 1, 2012 blog post titled Success Stress)
History casts its shadow over societies, belief systems get handed down, ways of thinking and behaving perpetuate themselves. My mother's family descended from Calvinist stock. Calvinists were known to be strict, disciplined, hard working,"serious", frugal, and, being presumed members of the «elect», obsessed with "success" Hard on themselves individually, they were hard on everyone else, especially their children. Someone should think of doing an epidemiological comparison of MS incidence among the various religious groups. (Note the high incidence of MS in Calvinist Scotland for example) In other words, study the role of belief and or behavior in the rearing of children. Up to now, I believe one has been too preoccupied with purely material factors - genes, UVB radiation, viruses etc. Stress is as much an emotional/ psychological factor as material. The necks, shoulders and backs of stressed individuals seize up with tension. Since my working hypothesis is that in MS childhood stress deforms the circulatory system, this Protestant work ethic culture would seem an ideal incubator of the disease.
Other childhood stress factors for me? Severe menstrual cramps after age 12 seized up my entire body for up to a week once a month. Endometriosis contributed to this phenomenen. After 24 years of monthly pain assaults the diet change of my MS treatment 1984-1985 put an end to the problem. And then Menopause liberated me.
So, in summary. I need to prevent the re-activation of EBV which is something I have not hitherto addressed. Since a low oxygen level triggers resurgence of the virus, keeping CNS blood flow circulating should prevent a relapse. Can I trust my own efforts in doing so ? Or should I regularly take medication ?
My California contact writes « Stanford has me on Famcyclovir continuously to attempt to reign in herpes 6, especially. My antibodies are high against hhv 1, ebv, and zoster ». DIM of mentions acyclovir and valcyclovir (Feb 2023) Leonard’s Theoretical Immunologys thread on Thisisms forum discusses Herpes in detail. Should I permanently take an anti-viral? Should I find a natural anti-viral ? Should I take it daily or wait until I feel the virus has reactivated when poor CNS fluid circulation creates a low oxygen level ? Some interesting natural supplement suggestions below also posted on
DIM wrote: ↑Fri May 31, 2024 3:56 am ThisisMS;com
Shikonik and Apigenin, two natural supplements inhibit inflammasome and Epstein-Barr virus reactivation: ... 4223001778
Post by DIM » Sat Jun 15, 2024 9:55 am
I wrote Shikonik although the correct name is Shikonin.
Parthenolide does the same and is widely available as supplement with good bioavailability.
After my initial healing 1984-85 using my Seven Steps to MS Healing – CCSVI Energy Therapies, Detoxification, Kinesiology Diet, Supplements, UV rays, Homeopathy, Exercise – I probably kept the EBV generally dormant. But not always. I can see that during a period of stress or poor diet, the EBV may have resurfaced which could account for an unexpected deterioration of function. So I will keep on hand the natural supplements rather than undertake a permanent anti viral regime. I will see if my MD agrees.
Tags: Epstein Barr Virus EBV. Mononucleosis, CCSVI Dr Zamboni, Dr George Ebers, Dr Zivadinov, Vitamin D, Homeopathy, Asian Flu,