MS FOOD (Allergies, Supplements, Food)
Upon re-reading Mega-Nutrients For Your Nerves by H.L. Newbold, M.D. (1975) I realize I have failed to insist on the role of food allergies in MS pathology. Not only must a healing diet provide optimal nutrients, it must avoid foods which “poison” through “allergy”.
While food sensitivities may vary, certain basic truths about primate biological evolution must be accepted. The Neolithic revolution of 10,000 years ago led to the cultivation of grains and animal husbandry and the first cities. Prior to that, humans were hunter-gatherer carnivores who lived off of fish, birds, small and occasionally large game and wild plants and fruit. No wheat, no sugar, no milk products which are precisely the substances modern man can’t easily assimilate. As boring as that sounds, to remain healthy modern man should follow the same general dietary principles.
I bought Dr. Newbold’s book February 28, 1983 (now out of print, available only second hand) while trying to work out a supplement program on my own. Dr. Newbold practiced medical nutrition in Manhattan with particular interest in emotional disorders. He recommended work with an MD who should do a full allergy, vitamin (especially blood serum Vit B12 and folic acid), mineral (hair sample), chemical and endocrinological work-up. He himself had hypoglycemia which had led to his interest and eventual expertise in medical nutrition.
Right. There was only one M.D. at my San Francisco HMO interested in vitamins and medical nutrition, he was treated like a leper by his colleagues, and his advice was very conservative, even rudimentary. While Dr. Newbold’s advice was in keeping with what I would eventually do (eliminate sugar, milk, glutens, refined foods, eat high protein diet with raw vegetables, full spectrum light etc) I never tried the mega-dose of vitamins he recommended. I lacked the confidence to do that on my own. Also, I couldn’t obtain the blood tests. It would take another year to find the equivalent therapy, though with a Phd nutritionist/kinesiologist Dr. Jimmy Scott.
Dr. Scott used the unorthodox kinesiology muscle test to determine my allergies, his definition of allergy being that an allergen perturbs the body’s energy flow which can be observed by a weakened test muscle. Dr. Newbold used the somewhat clumsy fasting, mono food method. After fasting 5 days to remove all foods in the body, one re-introduces a substance one at a time to see if there is a reaction. Dr. Arthur Coca introduced pulse testing having observed that the pulse rate increases after eating a food to which one is allergic. (See Jimmy Scott’s book page xiii Cure Your Own Allergies in Minutes 1988. Also check out the pulse test self help site. If the pulse rate increases, doesn’t that right there imply a stress response?). My Paris Doctor considers Kinesiology muscle testing too subjective and prefers blood tests (250 food items tested). This is probably Cytotoxic testing in which reactions in the white blood cells are observed. Dr. Scott feels these are only 75% valid and only if a food item has been recently eaten. Dr. Newbold finds traditioinal skin allergy tests are only 20% effective. So it’s not easy finding a therapist who can work up a valid personalized food allergy profile.
It’s generally safe to assume an allergy to glutens (wheat). Other grains need to be checked out. I can eat buckwheat, rice, corn and barley. Dr. Newbold observed the reaction of a woman fed a corn solution in a film produced by Dr. Theron Randolph. She instantly displayed psychotic behavior which lasted 4 days. (see pg 44). She obviously was allergic to corn.
What does a psychotic reaction to a food have to do with MS? It’s the biochemical impact on the brain and central nervous system which implicates both pathologies, though in different ways.
I believe that in MS allergic stress leads to body tension which impedes blood circulation through the brain and central nervous system. A single drop of blood in the brain can produce a white matter lesion. Yes, the immune system reacts. What if MS lesions are entirely caused by refluxed blood breaching the blood-brain-barrier?
I have minor MS symptoms, mostly in my lower left leg, when I eat something I shouldn’t. Also, the Gall Bladder meridian running down the side of my left leg burns. This is considered an MS meridian which rules detoxification (among other things).
My General MS Healing Protocol can be found under “My Personal Treatment” or “Five Steps to Multiple Sclerosis Health”
Matt Embry Matt Embry’s MSHope provides an excellent « Recipe » for MS healing – Diet, Supplements, CCSVI, Exercise
I was lucky to find Jimmy Scott,PhD. an outstanding kinesiologist/nutritionist in 1984. He used “muscle testing” to determine allergy, diet and supplements rather than blood tests. Most of the Supplements are Standard Process which I can chew and absorb directly. They don’t have that artificial chemical taste I find disagreeable. In addition. I take Evening Primrose Oil, Vit E, Zinc Picolinate, Calcium-Magnesium, Vitamin D3 100,000 IU once a month dose, Raw Vegetable Carrot juice.
Dr. Michael Flanagan had this to say about Standard Process on when I described my 1984-92 healing: CCSVI CCVBP, July 6, 2013
Hello Vesta,
I have all of Dr. Royal Lee's books. He was a remarkable biochemist and organic farmer way ahead of this time. His whole food extracts are more on the order of neutraceuticals and physiological agents than simple vitament supplements. He was big on cofactors in vitamins long before anyone considered the importance of cofactors like rutins, hespirdins, bioflavinoids in vitamen C. Everyone else was focused on and isolating ascorbic acid. I am very familiar with all the Standard Process products. They are highly effective.”
Standard Process is sold through “qualified health care professionals” e.g. Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Osteopaths, Massage therapists, etc. The company may be able to provide practitioners in your area.
Carolyn Parker – my nutritionist, naturopath, kinesiologist – uses Standard Process in her San Francisco practice. She has a worldwide clientele and can be reached at 415-664-1464. <[email protected]>
My Kinesiologist used Standard Process to steer me through a major DETOXIFICATION process which I believe to be essential before nutritional therapy can really succeed.
If you are on your own, and/or are working with a M.D consider the following.
Step One under my Seven Steps to Multiple Sclerosis Health follows:
1.“Dr. Hyman explains his 10 day detox diet.
want2bike (From
Dr. Hyman maintains that a simple diet change over 10 days will do the trick (or at least be a beginning) which is something anyone can try. So why not?
Aside from a vitamin D3 test (me 57 ng/mL, OK) I’ve never taken the blood tests or followed the advice below of “Lyndacarol” or “jimmylegs” of However, I will provide their suggestions as a resource if one prefers a standard “blood test” medical approach such as that recommended by Dr. Newbold. One MSer on ThisisMS reported that in California she could get any blood test she wanted while in Florida Doctors didn’t seem to have a clue. So it does matter where one lives, the “standard of the community”. The standard for medical nutrition in California in 1983 was very low, so society evolves.
For starters, while in the diagnosing phase, one should eliminate other causes of neurological symptoms, in particular Lyme Disease and Vitamin B12 deficiency and Vitamin D3 deficiency.
Lyndacarol of particularly concerned with blood sugar issues (diabetes, hypoglycemia) as was Dr. Newbold. On May 29, 2011 she wrote:
As this website's member who believes that excess insulin initiates the MS cascade, I found that Dr. Joseph Mercola recommends these optimal insulin levels in his nutrition plan:
On December 10, 2013 she furnished the following quote from the Peripheral Naturopathy Center of the University of Chicago
http://peripheralneuropathycenter.uchic ... #bloodtest
“Blood tests are commonly employed to check for vitamin deficiencies, toxic elements and evidence of an abnormal immune response.
Depending on your individual situation, your doctor may request certain laboratory tests to identify potentially treatable causes for neuropathy. These include tests for:
Vitamin B12 and folate levels
Thyroid, liver and kidney functions
Vasculitis evaluation
Oral glucose tolerance test
Antibodies to nerve components (e.g., anti-MAG antibody)
Antibodies related to celiac disease
Lyme disease
Hepatitis C and B”
jimmy legs, also of, gives detailed blood work/supplement advice. She/He? warns that "normal" readings are not necessarily optimal for MS. Below are Resources.
May 27, 2012
George mateljan's 'world's healthiest foods' web site.
the nutrient search tool at the amount of detail you can access is amazing. this web site led me to the concept of inflammation ratings, developed by monica reinagel.
weil's anti-inflammatory food pyramid is a useful complementary resource, but i don't visit this site often: ... ramid.html.
whfoods and nutritiondata are the two top sites i frequent for food info. (as distinct from science info, for which pubmed and resources like are tops)
Below are her estimates of optimal levels for MS patients.
AUGUST 7 2012
Suspect nutrients for MS patients include but are not limited to:
vitamin b complex (all of them, particularly b12)
vitamin e
vitamin d3
essential polyunsaturated fatty acids …
Here is a useful conversion resource: ... _data.html
[end aug 7 2012 update]
vitamin B12: aim for at least 500 pg/mL or 370 pmol/L.
vitamin D3: aim for at least 100 nmol/L (40 ng/mL). preferably 125-150 nmol/L (56-60 ng/mL). no higher than 250 nmol/L to avoid risk of hypercalcemia. The risk appears to increase the better your absorption of d3. The test is serum 25(OH)D3. linked to your zinc status.
At my first test I had already been supplementing thousands of IU per day for months and my level was only 72 nmol/L, but that was when my zinc was deficient and I didn't know it yet.
Severe Hypercalcemia Following Vitamin D Supplementation in a Patient With Multiple Sclerosis ... id=1107961
she was only on 5500 IU of vit d3 per day. regular monitoring is the key with supplementation of this kind!
(oh and by the way this article lists the reference range for calcium as 8.7-10.1 mg/dL)
zinc: aim for 18.2-18.4 umol/L. (120 ug/dL) I have not firmly established this upper limit but I would say go no higher than 20 umol/L. The test is just serum zinc.
at my first zinc test my level was 8.6 umol/L. [update: found a study of children with healthy controls averaging 20.5 umol/L serum zinc]
copper: aim for 100-114 ug/dL or 17.3-18 umol/L. NB Zinc supplementation should always be balanced with copper. detailed copper info here general-discussio:n-f1/topic19529.html#p188525
magnesium: aim for .91 mmol/L. 2.2-2.3 mg/dL. 'normal' range in SI units is 0.70-1.10 mmol/L. research says anyone below 0.90 should be supplementing. some sources say minimum 0.95 mmol/L. the test is just serum magnesium.
MS Cure Enigmas again: My many thanks to both lyndacarol and jimmylegs for their valuable contributions. They appear to have updated Dr. Newbold’s work and to provide resources for MSer’s own research. jimmylegs no longer contributes to ThisisMS which is too bad. I hope he/she ? is well.
Upon re-reading Mega-Nutrients For Your Nerves by H.L. Newbold, M.D. (1975) I realize I have failed to insist on the role of food allergies in MS pathology. Not only must a healing diet provide optimal nutrients, it must avoid foods which “poison” through “allergy”.
While food sensitivities may vary, certain basic truths about primate biological evolution must be accepted. The Neolithic revolution of 10,000 years ago led to the cultivation of grains and animal husbandry and the first cities. Prior to that, humans were hunter-gatherer carnivores who lived off of fish, birds, small and occasionally large game and wild plants and fruit. No wheat, no sugar, no milk products which are precisely the substances modern man can’t easily assimilate. As boring as that sounds, to remain healthy modern man should follow the same general dietary principles.
I bought Dr. Newbold’s book February 28, 1983 (now out of print, available only second hand) while trying to work out a supplement program on my own. Dr. Newbold practiced medical nutrition in Manhattan with particular interest in emotional disorders. He recommended work with an MD who should do a full allergy, vitamin (especially blood serum Vit B12 and folic acid), mineral (hair sample), chemical and endocrinological work-up. He himself had hypoglycemia which had led to his interest and eventual expertise in medical nutrition.
Right. There was only one M.D. at my San Francisco HMO interested in vitamins and medical nutrition, he was treated like a leper by his colleagues, and his advice was very conservative, even rudimentary. While Dr. Newbold’s advice was in keeping with what I would eventually do (eliminate sugar, milk, glutens, refined foods, eat high protein diet with raw vegetables, full spectrum light etc) I never tried the mega-dose of vitamins he recommended. I lacked the confidence to do that on my own. Also, I couldn’t obtain the blood tests. It would take another year to find the equivalent therapy, though with a Phd nutritionist/kinesiologist Dr. Jimmy Scott.
Dr. Scott used the unorthodox kinesiology muscle test to determine my allergies, his definition of allergy being that an allergen perturbs the body’s energy flow which can be observed by a weakened test muscle. Dr. Newbold used the somewhat clumsy fasting, mono food method. After fasting 5 days to remove all foods in the body, one re-introduces a substance one at a time to see if there is a reaction. Dr. Arthur Coca introduced pulse testing having observed that the pulse rate increases after eating a food to which one is allergic. (See Jimmy Scott’s book page xiii Cure Your Own Allergies in Minutes 1988. Also check out the pulse test self help site. If the pulse rate increases, doesn’t that right there imply a stress response?). My Paris Doctor considers Kinesiology muscle testing too subjective and prefers blood tests (250 food items tested). This is probably Cytotoxic testing in which reactions in the white blood cells are observed. Dr. Scott feels these are only 75% valid and only if a food item has been recently eaten. Dr. Newbold finds traditioinal skin allergy tests are only 20% effective. So it’s not easy finding a therapist who can work up a valid personalized food allergy profile.
It’s generally safe to assume an allergy to glutens (wheat). Other grains need to be checked out. I can eat buckwheat, rice, corn and barley. Dr. Newbold observed the reaction of a woman fed a corn solution in a film produced by Dr. Theron Randolph. She instantly displayed psychotic behavior which lasted 4 days. (see pg 44). She obviously was allergic to corn.
What does a psychotic reaction to a food have to do with MS? It’s the biochemical impact on the brain and central nervous system which implicates both pathologies, though in different ways.
I believe that in MS allergic stress leads to body tension which impedes blood circulation through the brain and central nervous system. A single drop of blood in the brain can produce a white matter lesion. Yes, the immune system reacts. What if MS lesions are entirely caused by refluxed blood breaching the blood-brain-barrier?
I have minor MS symptoms, mostly in my lower left leg, when I eat something I shouldn’t. Also, the Gall Bladder meridian running down the side of my left leg burns. This is considered an MS meridian which rules detoxification (among other things).
My General MS Healing Protocol can be found under “My Personal Treatment” or “Five Steps to Multiple Sclerosis Health”
Matt Embry Matt Embry’s MSHope provides an excellent « Recipe » for MS healing – Diet, Supplements, CCSVI, Exercise
I was lucky to find Jimmy Scott,PhD. an outstanding kinesiologist/nutritionist in 1984. He used “muscle testing” to determine allergy, diet and supplements rather than blood tests. Most of the Supplements are Standard Process which I can chew and absorb directly. They don’t have that artificial chemical taste I find disagreeable. In addition. I take Evening Primrose Oil, Vit E, Zinc Picolinate, Calcium-Magnesium, Vitamin D3 100,000 IU once a month dose, Raw Vegetable Carrot juice.
Dr. Michael Flanagan had this to say about Standard Process on when I described my 1984-92 healing: CCSVI CCVBP, July 6, 2013
Hello Vesta,
I have all of Dr. Royal Lee's books. He was a remarkable biochemist and organic farmer way ahead of this time. His whole food extracts are more on the order of neutraceuticals and physiological agents than simple vitament supplements. He was big on cofactors in vitamins long before anyone considered the importance of cofactors like rutins, hespirdins, bioflavinoids in vitamen C. Everyone else was focused on and isolating ascorbic acid. I am very familiar with all the Standard Process products. They are highly effective.”
Standard Process is sold through “qualified health care professionals” e.g. Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Osteopaths, Massage therapists, etc. The company may be able to provide practitioners in your area.
Carolyn Parker – my nutritionist, naturopath, kinesiologist – uses Standard Process in her San Francisco practice. She has a worldwide clientele and can be reached at 415-664-1464. <[email protected]>
My Kinesiologist used Standard Process to steer me through a major DETOXIFICATION process which I believe to be essential before nutritional therapy can really succeed.
If you are on your own, and/or are working with a M.D consider the following.
Step One under my Seven Steps to Multiple Sclerosis Health follows:
1.“Dr. Hyman explains his 10 day detox diet.
want2bike (From
Dr. Hyman maintains that a simple diet change over 10 days will do the trick (or at least be a beginning) which is something anyone can try. So why not?
Aside from a vitamin D3 test (me 57 ng/mL, OK) I’ve never taken the blood tests or followed the advice below of “Lyndacarol” or “jimmylegs” of However, I will provide their suggestions as a resource if one prefers a standard “blood test” medical approach such as that recommended by Dr. Newbold. One MSer on ThisisMS reported that in California she could get any blood test she wanted while in Florida Doctors didn’t seem to have a clue. So it does matter where one lives, the “standard of the community”. The standard for medical nutrition in California in 1983 was very low, so society evolves.
For starters, while in the diagnosing phase, one should eliminate other causes of neurological symptoms, in particular Lyme Disease and Vitamin B12 deficiency and Vitamin D3 deficiency.
Lyndacarol of particularly concerned with blood sugar issues (diabetes, hypoglycemia) as was Dr. Newbold. On May 29, 2011 she wrote:
As this website's member who believes that excess insulin initiates the MS cascade, I found that Dr. Joseph Mercola recommends these optimal insulin levels in his nutrition plan:
On December 10, 2013 she furnished the following quote from the Peripheral Naturopathy Center of the University of Chicago
http://peripheralneuropathycenter.uchic ... #bloodtest
“Blood tests are commonly employed to check for vitamin deficiencies, toxic elements and evidence of an abnormal immune response.
Depending on your individual situation, your doctor may request certain laboratory tests to identify potentially treatable causes for neuropathy. These include tests for:
Vitamin B12 and folate levels
Thyroid, liver and kidney functions
Vasculitis evaluation
Oral glucose tolerance test
Antibodies to nerve components (e.g., anti-MAG antibody)
Antibodies related to celiac disease
Lyme disease
Hepatitis C and B”
jimmy legs, also of, gives detailed blood work/supplement advice. She/He? warns that "normal" readings are not necessarily optimal for MS. Below are Resources.
May 27, 2012
George mateljan's 'world's healthiest foods' web site.
the nutrient search tool at the amount of detail you can access is amazing. this web site led me to the concept of inflammation ratings, developed by monica reinagel.
weil's anti-inflammatory food pyramid is a useful complementary resource, but i don't visit this site often: ... ramid.html.
whfoods and nutritiondata are the two top sites i frequent for food info. (as distinct from science info, for which pubmed and resources like are tops)
Below are her estimates of optimal levels for MS patients.
AUGUST 7 2012
Suspect nutrients for MS patients include but are not limited to:
vitamin b complex (all of them, particularly b12)
vitamin e
vitamin d3
essential polyunsaturated fatty acids …
Here is a useful conversion resource: ... _data.html
[end aug 7 2012 update]
vitamin B12: aim for at least 500 pg/mL or 370 pmol/L.
vitamin D3: aim for at least 100 nmol/L (40 ng/mL). preferably 125-150 nmol/L (56-60 ng/mL). no higher than 250 nmol/L to avoid risk of hypercalcemia. The risk appears to increase the better your absorption of d3. The test is serum 25(OH)D3. linked to your zinc status.
At my first test I had already been supplementing thousands of IU per day for months and my level was only 72 nmol/L, but that was when my zinc was deficient and I didn't know it yet.
Severe Hypercalcemia Following Vitamin D Supplementation in a Patient With Multiple Sclerosis ... id=1107961
she was only on 5500 IU of vit d3 per day. regular monitoring is the key with supplementation of this kind!
(oh and by the way this article lists the reference range for calcium as 8.7-10.1 mg/dL)
zinc: aim for 18.2-18.4 umol/L. (120 ug/dL) I have not firmly established this upper limit but I would say go no higher than 20 umol/L. The test is just serum zinc.
at my first zinc test my level was 8.6 umol/L. [update: found a study of children with healthy controls averaging 20.5 umol/L serum zinc]
copper: aim for 100-114 ug/dL or 17.3-18 umol/L. NB Zinc supplementation should always be balanced with copper. detailed copper info here general-discussio:n-f1/topic19529.html#p188525
magnesium: aim for .91 mmol/L. 2.2-2.3 mg/dL. 'normal' range in SI units is 0.70-1.10 mmol/L. research says anyone below 0.90 should be supplementing. some sources say minimum 0.95 mmol/L. the test is just serum magnesium.
MS Cure Enigmas again: My many thanks to both lyndacarol and jimmylegs for their valuable contributions. They appear to have updated Dr. Newbold’s work and to provide resources for MSer’s own research. jimmylegs no longer contributes to ThisisMS which is too bad. I hope he/she ? is well.