If I had known that Multiple Sclerosis is essentially a problem of fluid circulation (blood, cerebrospinal, lymphatic, glymphatic) through the central nervous system, I wouldn’t be handicapped today. Let’s not get complicated. In my case all I need is a massage and/or various fluid circulation therapies to stop attacks, NOT a surgical intervention such as angioplasty and certainly not a drug. In fact I now realize that I halted my first major attack with a Shiatsu massage just as my Neurologist was about to administer steroids.
See my site for a full discussion of practical solutions to treating MS.
February 13, 2015 PLOS ONE (
published a double blind study revealing that it takes twice as long for blood to flow from the heart through the brain and back to the heart in MSers than in normals, this regardless of the MSers condition. In other words, poor blood perfusion through the brain is a marker for MS. There it is, what we needed to know. The Answer.
All of this gets complicated so let’s summarize. There are two fundamental schools of thought about MS etiology (causation) and treatment. One is biochemical, the other functional (fluid circulation).
Biochemical includes the auto-immune theory, bacterial infection, viral infection (Epstein Barr especially), vitamin deficiency (eg Vit D3 or Vit B12), nutritional deficiencies, toxicity exposure.
There are two basic forms of FUNCTIONAL Multiple Sclerosis. 1) CCSVI MS concerns defective veins. 2) STRUCTURAL MS concerns bones, muscles, and arteries. In both cases the blood and cerebrospinal fluid circulation are obstructed or slowed. Effective treatments differ, in the one case the veins need to be addressed, in the second the body structure. Consider Chiropractor Dr. Michael Flanagan’s opinion: “Obstruction to blood and CSF flow in the spinal canal and cranial vault may play a causative or contributory role in neurodegenerative and neurological conditions of the brain and cord.”( Re : CCSVI and CCVBP upright doc March 29, 2016)
Biochemical focuses on the inflammatory “auto-immune” phenomena. Where does the inflammation come from, spontaneous generation? I would say it is a response to poor blood and or cerebro-spinal fluid perfusion which injures the tissue, that is the functional issue. And even if a dormant Herpes virus re-activates, is it the immune response to the virus which matters or simply the poor blood perfusion of a tensed body?
I’ve come to think that PPMSers (10-15% of cases) suffer primarily from injury to the spine and/or obstructions in cerebro-spinal fluid. And RRMS evolves into SPMS as the skeletal structure is progressively deformed thereby putting pressure directly on the spinal cord and/or obstructing cerebro-spinal fluid circulation. (See : Under « Cure or Control ?” « MS Positive Feedback Loop”).
Some ideas to consider taking known epidemiological factors into account:
My theory: Childhood “stress” deforms and damages the vascular system leading from the brain and spine, thus eventually causing blood refluxes which damage the tissue. MS progresses as “attacks” deform the body structure leading to pressure on the spine.
1) Cold causes the upper back to tense up which hinders vascular development. (More MS in colder climates, see
2) Vitamin D deficiency may damage vascular development. (Dr George Ebers has found a genetic marker in MSers which means they need more Vit D.)
3) Since sun exposure releases Nitric Oxide essential to vascular health (revealed by heart research), deficiency may damage vascular development.
4) SUCCESS STRESS. Cultural/Religious beliefs may stress the child while in the developmental stage. Consider statistics in Israel. Same Sun Exposure, different demands to Succeed. More MS in Protestant N. Ireland than Catholic S. Ireland. Highest in Presbyterian Scotland. Crete Urbanization. See blog 6/1/12 “Success Stress”. Also ›
5) Mononucleosis (EBV virus). Crowdfunding study proposed to see if taking valocyclovir will heal MS by eliminating EBV? I believe the childhood illness actually damages the vascular system so that ridding the virus later will be of minimal use. And ingesting regularly an anti-viral medication will damage the immune system. We shall see.
6) Dr. George Ebers reports that 60 years ago there was no difference between men and women in MS incidence. The advent of Birth Control Pills which are known to affect the VASCULAR system correspond to this timeline. Are female hormonal therapies sufficient to tip a pre-existing vulnerability over the edge into full blown MS?
7) While RRMS strikes women 2 to 3 times more than men (think veins), PPMS is thought to strike principally men (think spinal cord/cerebrospinal fluid flow obstructions caused by accidents, child sports injuries, lifting heavy weights which progressively injure the spine.) See “MS Positive Feedback Loop” under Cure or Control.
8) And nutrition? Poor childhood diet may hinder healthy development of the vascular system. Inflammatory foods impact the smooth muscle layer of the veins causing them to cramp or go into spasm, thus obstructing blood circulation.
I believe proper diet serves 4 purposes: a) to detoxify and prevent stress on the vascular system i.e. the blood reflux and/or on the cerebro-spinal fluid b) to heal and reinforce the endothelium of the vascular system at the cellular level c) to nourish the brain cells (white matter, myelin sheath, axons, grey matter) especially important if there has been some brain damage and d) to re-inforce the immune system in order to de-activate a latent virus or bacteria .
9) Professor George Ebers’ research has revealed that white matter lesions do NOT determine disability which casts in doubt current diagnosis and treatment for MS.(see posted Nov 4, 2013)
a) The study of 1,000 patients over a 30 year period revealed that relapses are unrelated to long term outcome.
b) His 25 year study of Disease Modifying Drugs revealed they don’t stop descent into disability.
10) Consider that grey matter atrophy defines disability. Chris Sullivan has proposed that one can monitor grey matter atrophy by comparing successive MRI images with a RULER.
and (See blog post 1/22/16)
11) Before administering Steroids to stop an MS Attack, try a Shiatsu Massage. Blog post 3/20/2016 « MS Attack : Shiatsu Massage or Steroids ? »
12) Heat intolerance. Dr. Michael Flanagan again. Consider that the brain is protected by fluid circulation in the skull. If the fluids (blood, cerebro-spinal) are obstructed, the brain will heat up. Do we need to get more complicated than that?