CCSVI Alliance and are the websites I consult for updated information on CCSVI.
CCSVI Alliance
The site is well worth visiting and rather than repeat what they say, I insist on a visit if one is serious about understanding fully the CCSVI issue. Under The Basics find a Basic Definition of CCSVI, a Technical Definition as well as “The Origin and History of CCSVI”. Under Advanced Topics find RESEARCH DATABASE – you want SCIENCE – here it is . Treatment and Efficacy, Treatment Risks, Addressing the Myths, Research Analysis and “The Great Debate: CCSVI and MS”. Under Discussing CCSVI with your Doctor find tips on creating a medical team (Primary Care Physician, Neurologist, Interventional Radiologist – see The Alliance gives advice on finding an Interventional Radiologist without naming anyone, obviously because the Big Pharma/Neurologist lobby has basically hindered those who treat CCSVI, forcing them “underground”.
There is also excellent advice on self care, including Joan Beal’s “Endothelial Health”.
CCSVI Alliance doesn’t neglect the “functional” form of CCSVI which requires skeletal adjustment rather than Venoplasty. Their home page features Chiropractor Dr. Scott Rosa’s paper and video “How Craniocervical Misalignment Effects Fluid Flow”. Dr. Rosa works with MRI inventor Dr Raymond Damadian’s FONAR Corporation whose UPRIGHT multipositional MRI can register the cine (moving) cerebrospinal fluid flow as well as arterial/venous flow dynamics. He mentions how the glymphatic system cleanses brain toxins and the recently discovered existence of the brain’s lymphatic vessels. Dr. Rosa founded the Trauma Imaging Foundation (TIF) in 2012 and developed the Atlas Orthogonal Instrumental Manipulation Technique.
For diagnosis of CSF and arterial/venous flow there are apparently 15 FONAR sites in the USA. (
Europeans interested in obtaining an Upright MRI refer to Medserena Upright MRI Centre in London.
Once assured that the observed vein stenosis is not caused by pressure ON the vein rather than pathology WITHIN the vein, one might consider Venoplasty.
Brain Flow Team, Rome - <>
For Europeans this may be the best resource for Angioplasty (PTA) treatment of CCSVI. The Italians have taken the lead in diagnosing and treating CCSVI since one of their own – Dr. Zamboni – launched the idea publicly on the Internet December 2008. They have performed more than 2500 PTA in CCSVI patients since 2010. See 2013 Journal Vascular Surgery ( ).
In Brooklyn, New York I believe the Interventional Radiologist Dr . Sclafani continues to treat CCSVI. The index of his excellent case studies can be found at chronic-cerebrospinal-venous-insufficiency-ccsvi-f40/topic23360.html#p217664 from the website. CCSVI thread find
3.“cheerleader” (Joan Beal) 2015 ISNVD** abstracts online
All available in Veins and Lymphatics publication-- ... /view/5398 **International Society of Neurovascular Diseases
See also Dr. Flanagan’s review article published in Neurology Research International book
Other resources :
International Society for Neurovascular Disease (ISNVD) founded 2011.
Joan Beal’s
“The VascularConnection”
Marie A. Rhodes’ book CCSVI as the Cause of Multiple Sclerosis is an outstanding general resource.
Hugo Macia who writes a site in Spanish (– see his blog has brought to my attention the Bio-Magnetic Pair therapy used widely in Spanish speaking countries. It may prove useful as an “energy” therapy like acupuncture, in this case magnets are used to harmonize the body’s electro-magnetic field. Maybe worth a try.
Other resources of use in releasing central nervous system fluid circulation include Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Shiatsu Massage, Massage, Chiropractic, and Kinesiology.
CCSVI Alliance and are the websites I consult for updated information on CCSVI.
CCSVI Alliance
The site is well worth visiting and rather than repeat what they say, I insist on a visit if one is serious about understanding fully the CCSVI issue. Under The Basics find a Basic Definition of CCSVI, a Technical Definition as well as “The Origin and History of CCSVI”. Under Advanced Topics find RESEARCH DATABASE – you want SCIENCE – here it is . Treatment and Efficacy, Treatment Risks, Addressing the Myths, Research Analysis and “The Great Debate: CCSVI and MS”. Under Discussing CCSVI with your Doctor find tips on creating a medical team (Primary Care Physician, Neurologist, Interventional Radiologist – see The Alliance gives advice on finding an Interventional Radiologist without naming anyone, obviously because the Big Pharma/Neurologist lobby has basically hindered those who treat CCSVI, forcing them “underground”.
There is also excellent advice on self care, including Joan Beal’s “Endothelial Health”.
CCSVI Alliance doesn’t neglect the “functional” form of CCSVI which requires skeletal adjustment rather than Venoplasty. Their home page features Chiropractor Dr. Scott Rosa’s paper and video “How Craniocervical Misalignment Effects Fluid Flow”. Dr. Rosa works with MRI inventor Dr Raymond Damadian’s FONAR Corporation whose UPRIGHT multipositional MRI can register the cine (moving) cerebrospinal fluid flow as well as arterial/venous flow dynamics. He mentions how the glymphatic system cleanses brain toxins and the recently discovered existence of the brain’s lymphatic vessels. Dr. Rosa founded the Trauma Imaging Foundation (TIF) in 2012 and developed the Atlas Orthogonal Instrumental Manipulation Technique.
For diagnosis of CSF and arterial/venous flow there are apparently 15 FONAR sites in the USA. (
Europeans interested in obtaining an Upright MRI refer to Medserena Upright MRI Centre in London.
Once assured that the observed vein stenosis is not caused by pressure ON the vein rather than pathology WITHIN the vein, one might consider Venoplasty.
Brain Flow Team, Rome - <>
For Europeans this may be the best resource for Angioplasty (PTA) treatment of CCSVI. The Italians have taken the lead in diagnosing and treating CCSVI since one of their own – Dr. Zamboni – launched the idea publicly on the Internet December 2008. They have performed more than 2500 PTA in CCSVI patients since 2010. See 2013 Journal Vascular Surgery ( ).
In Brooklyn, New York I believe the Interventional Radiologist Dr . Sclafani continues to treat CCSVI. The index of his excellent case studies can be found at chronic-cerebrospinal-venous-insufficiency-ccsvi-f40/topic23360.html#p217664 from the website. CCSVI thread find
- “Dr. Sclafani Answers some Questions” for Venoplasty (or Angioplasty)
3.“cheerleader” (Joan Beal) 2015 ISNVD** abstracts online
All available in Veins and Lymphatics publication-- ... /view/5398 **International Society of Neurovascular Diseases
See also Dr. Flanagan’s review article published in Neurology Research International book
Other resources :
International Society for Neurovascular Disease (ISNVD) founded 2011.
Joan Beal’s
“The VascularConnection”
Marie A. Rhodes’ book CCSVI as the Cause of Multiple Sclerosis is an outstanding general resource.
Hugo Macia who writes a site in Spanish (– see his blog has brought to my attention the Bio-Magnetic Pair therapy used widely in Spanish speaking countries. It may prove useful as an “energy” therapy like acupuncture, in this case magnets are used to harmonize the body’s electro-magnetic field. Maybe worth a try.
Other resources of use in releasing central nervous system fluid circulation include Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Shiatsu Massage, Massage, Chiropractic, and Kinesiology.