I am here going to describe my visit as well as provide the information I’ve been able to obtain through the internet. Bio-Magnetic Pair is an alternative health therapy practiced widely in the Spanish speaking world, doubtless because it was the Mexican Doctor Isaac Goiz Duran who develped an idea first suggested by the NASA scientist Richard Broeringmeyer. Dr Broeringmeyer had observed that after a flight in space astronauts returned with one leg shorter than the other (an anomaly which disappeared after a short time on earth). He suggested that the absence of a magnetic field in space was at the origin of this anomaly. If that were the case, it would follow that work on the human magnetic field could be healing. I am going to quote an excellent overview of the subject provided by the Coatian site
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“It is well known that planet Earth has its own magnetic field and that the poles of that magnetic field are located not far from its geographic poles.
Although the existence of Earth's magnetic field is not definitely determined, modern science has at its disposal evidence suggesting that any living organism's being outside that magnetic pole brings disruption to the biological processes within the body.
Using the magnetic field of permanent magnets for therapeutic purposes dates all the way back to the ages of ancient Chinese, Greek and Egyptian cultures, those existing several thousand years ago.
From then until today, a series of procedures which can, by using magnets, fix a disrupted state of health have been documented. In some cases, quite successfully.
The theory of bio-magnetism / One pole stimulates, the other does the opposite
The most famous researchers in the field of permanent magnets' therapeutic usage in modern times are dr. Albert R. Davis and Walter C. Rawls.
In 1936, dr. Davis discovered through a series of experiments that the magnetic north and south poles exert significantly different influences on living organisms – animals, people, plants, even seeds.
The basic discovery upon which the theory of bio-magnetism was built is that one pole of a magnet will stimulate biological processes, while the other will have the opposite effect.
The table illustrates several such examples:
- alleviates pain
- stimulates alkalinity
- soothes symptoms
- stops infection
- promotes healing
- increases oxygen levels in cells
- stimulates the effects of melatonin
- has a relaxing effect
- increases pain
- increases acidity
- elevates symptom severity
- promotes infection
- halts healing
- decreases oxygen level in cells
- motivates bodily functions
- acts as a stimulant
The membrane of a healthy cell is dominated by a so-called membrane potential which, on average, measures 80 mV.
Seeing that electricity and magnetism are causally closely linked, every change in the magnetic field around the cell also causes changes in the cell’s electric state.
There have been many books written on magnetic therapy, but the aim of this article is to describe one completely novel approach in the therapeutic use of magnets, discovered approximately twenty years ago.
Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer and the "Shorter leg" enigma
It all began with the discovery made by dr. Richard Broeringmeyer, a doctor at NASA.
He discovered that astronauts, who had prior to take-off undergone very rigorous medical tests, all had one shared physical anomaly upon return, which normalized after a shorter period of time.
He concluded that one of the astronauts’ legs was shorter by about 1-2 cm. He sought out the cause of this anomaly, which until then had aroused no special attention due to its eventual disappearance.
Dr. Broeringmayer noticed that the effects of magnets on the astronauts’ bodies eliminated the aforementioned anomaly after a while.
As a cause for the anomaly, suspicion fell to a lack of Earth’s magnetic field in space.
Also, dr. Broeringmayer discovered that the body’s pH (acidity/alkalinity) was linked to the influence the magnets exerted on the body.
He determined a tie between the pH states of certain body parts and their functions as related to health, thus arriving at the conclusion that magnetic polarization leads to pathological states – disease.
It is well known that increased acidity creates a concentration of hydrogen ions, H+, while increased alkalinity is caused by a concentration of OH- ions.
Since magnets can alter the electric potential within biological tissue, the conclusion presented itself that magnets can re-implement a disrupted balance of bio-electric potential, one which creates a foundation for the development of pathological states.
Due to the fact that a magnet’s north pole will attract H-positive ions, this pole is called negative, while the south pole which attracts OH-negative ions is referred to as the positive magnetic pole.
It is customary for the north magnetic pole – the negative – to be marked with black, while the south – the positive pole – be marked with red.
What the magnets for BMP therapy look like can be seen in the picture. (Consult above link)
Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran – Magnet pairs against disease
The corrective influence of magnets confirmed the conclusions of dr. Broeringmeyer, and so in 1988 began the era of revolutionary therapeutic methods which were then perfected by the Mexican doctor dr. Isaac Goiz Duran.
While investigating the causes of the "shorter leg" phenomenon at his clinic in Mexico City, he found a way to intentionally induce the anomaly by placing magnets onto certain areas of the body.
A shortened leg was an indicator that a certain point on the body, upon which the magnet was placed, was the spot at which a pH imbalance had arisen.
He concluded that there must be another spot on the body, at which the influence of an opposite magnetic pole would lead to equalizing of the legs’ lengths.
Electric polarization (polarization = the separation of polarity into plus and minus) in the organism implies the collection of H ions (acidity) on one side, and OH ions (alkalinity) on the other.
Within the organism, it creates favorable conditions for virus and bacteria growth.
Acidic conditions indicate the presence of viruses and fungi, while an alkaline environment indicates the presence of bacteria and parasites.
Dr. Goiz Duran discovered more that 250 pairs of spots on the body, which are connected by an inner electric energetic bind.
Each bio-magnetic pair (BMP) of spots on the body signifies a certain health condition.
If they are affected by an appropriate magnetic pole, within 30 minutes there will occur an elimination of electric polarization and physical balance will be restored.
An acidic concentration on one side, or an alkaline concentration on the other side of the organism or organ then disappears.
Correct application of the magnets enables the creation of electric balance, which eliminates the basic conditions for the development of disease.
Using the same principle, dr. Goiz Duran also defined BMP diagnostics.
He described a procedure through which it is possible to discover which parts of the body are responsible, once magnets are applied, for the shortening of the leg (most often the left), as an indicator of the existence of other unmanifested symptoms of illness.
He worked out a body map with marked spots – bio-magnetic pairs which refer to some specific health disorder.
As such, he made easier the discovery of the opposite spot onto which a magnet should be placed so as to induce electric neutralization, or recovery.
The therapy lasts for 30 minutes, and the procedure is repeated as needed, if diagnostics indicate that the pH balance had been additionally disrupted.
What "Magnetic pair" diagnosis and therapy actually Is
The patient lays on his back on the table, while the therapist compares the lengths of both legs by touching the heels.
The therapist starts by placing the negative N pole magnet on the vertex and checking the lengths of the legs, comparing the heels through alignment.
If the heels shift and are not the same length, it means the temple is one pole of the bio-magnetic pair.
He continues to search for the second corresponding pole-spot on the body, using the ‘body map’, at which the positive S pole magnet will lead to an equalization of the heels’ lengths.
When the second spot is found, both magnets are left to lay on these spots for 30 minutes.
This is enough time for the body to depolarize and establish a normal pH state which earlier caused polarization.
It often occurs that the first spot, the vertex, does not cause a polarization and as such the search should continue onto the next spot in accordance with the BMP 'body map'.
If the disease in question is a familiar one, which is often the case, the therapist can use the manual to immediately locate the BMP spots which correspond to that particular illness.
He will first place a magnet on one spot of the BMP pair (one always begins with the negative N pole magnet), and then check whether the heels have aligned.
When the heels have realigned to indicate equality, it signifies that the adequate BMP pairs have been found.
Upon completion of the 30-minute therapy session, it is necessary to perform a control test – remove the other magnet and monitor the situation with the heels.
Heels which were initially different lengths before the applications of the magnets have now, after the therapy, equal lengths.
END OF QUOTE (My emphasis in bold.)
Since the above was written, Dr. Goiz has identified 350 Pairs.
Further information (including education, conferences, publications and awards) on Dr. Goiz can be found on the site
“In 1977 Dr. Goiz Durán began Medical School at the Autonomous University of Puebla where he graduated as Obstetric Surgeon, professional license number 813725. While working as a physician and physiotherapist he took several certification courses and received degrees in alternative medicine, including Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer’s Energy Therapy course in 1988 in Guadalajara, Mexico.
That same year, inspired by Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer’s teachings and based on his own knowledge in medicine and other areas, as well as the information contained in Otto Glasser’s book “Medical Physics”, he discovered the Biomagnetic Pair while treating an HIV positive patient. The patient showed significant improvement 8 days after receiving treatment, which consisted on the application of two magnets of opposite polarity, each measuring approximately 1000 external Gauss. During the treatment the magnets had been placed on specific areas of the patient’s body for 15 minutes. So on October 10th, 1988, Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán discovers the first Biomagnetic Pair in the history of Biomagentism, a pair designated as the “Thymus-Rectum” pair, and thus becomes the discoverer and author of the technique.
In the course of 26 years the achievements of Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán, including the discovery of the Biomagnetic Pair, have been countless. Some of the main achievements include the discovery of 350 Biomagnetic Pairs that identify and treat a variety of diseases including infectious, autoimmune, dysfunctional, metabolic, chronic, degenerative, psycho-emotional and tumoral. In 1993 he discovered the phenomena that magnetic fields generate in a living organism, the human body, and that can be reproduced through mental energy, calling it Bioenergetics. In 1995 he discovered Telebioenergetics when he cured his first patient remotely. Using the mental energy of the patient, the therapist and the joint action of the magnetic fields, he is able to cure a person in Italy long distance from Mexico.”
So, what did I experience in my first Bio-Magnetic Pair treatment.?
After an initial interview, the therapist explained that the treatment was magnetic, NOT electro-magnetic, that the magnet attracted molecules to areas in need of healing. I didn’t fully understand what he said. Which molecules, blood? Attracts iron in the blood? Does this imply that the magnets bring oxygen to the area? Other molecules? Ph balance?
I lay on my back on a standard massage table with my legs lifted on a triangular box so that the knees were lifted to the tip of the triangle, the thighs rising up at an angle, and the calves - feet dropping down at an angle on the side facing the therapist. He explained that it was the right thigh (quadriceps) muscle which would be tested. He worked by grasping my heels; when the response was “positive” (an issue) apparently the thigh muscle – hence the leg - would shorten which he could perceive by holding the heels. He ran through multiple body parts (in Spanish). I could understand many skeletal words such as sacrum, cervicals etc., but obviously not all since I don’t speak Spanish.
While Mr. X was working, my left (good) leg kept reacting in reflex. The pain which ran down the side of this leg corresponds to the gall bladder meridian (Chinese medicine). While testing me Mr. X said I have an infection in the liver and gall bladder. Infection also in the intestines. Parasites as well (where?). He didn’t identify the infection to me. He placed magnets on my body. One on the liver (right side), another on the left side of the sacrum? I can’t remember.
O.K. My reflection is this. The Neurologist Dr Zinodinov has said all MS patients have had Mononucleosis which is caused by the Epstein Barr virus (EBV). I had it at age 9. At the same time I had Hepatitis (liver disease.) My San Francisco Chinese Doctor trained in China by a Master since age 10 (he came to San Francisco in the mid 1970’s) told me that the primary point for MS treatment is Gall Bladder 34 outside the knee.
It is exactly this Gall Bladder Meridian which went into reflex during the treatment and which went into reflex the following night on my “dead” right leg causing it to bend at the knee and lift up. For that brief period I could work the right leg which has been mostly unresponsive for years. In fact, 2 weeks later, I can still lift this thigh while sitting which I haven’t been able to do in years. This I consider to be the most striking change – potential improvement - following the “bio-magnetic pair” treatment. Recently I have the impression the blood is circulating better in this right leg. If leg length and fluid circulation fluctuate that would de-stabilize me as would any body structure change. I can’t really tell what is happening to my body. A good “ask the body” therapist could clarify things for me.
I do note that the Gall Bladder Meridien corresponds to the drop-foot phenomena in MS. (Other symptoms experienced following treatment- some pain on the right side – the liver? Or simply muscle strain?– . Hot feet briefly. I was very tired and weak the days following treatment but I would expect this after any treatment.)
So, lets say the EBV virus remains dormant in the liver/gall bladder after the initial mononucleosis illness. In Chinese medicine the wood element is composed of the Yang (protector) Gall Bladder meridien as well as the Yin (nourishing) Liver meridian. These are exactly the organs Mr. X identified as problematic and exactly the meridiens which have responded the most following treatment – in the the Right leg reflex and the possible resurgence of liver symptoms.
He did not identify the infectious agent nor the Bio-Magnetic pairs he treated. I hope he can clarify this during my next treatment.
From what I have read, Magnetic therapy can be powerfully healing. It can also be potentially deletorius if badly practiced. So I need to be very well informed and cautious should I buy the magnets and treat myself under the guidance of a Bio-Magnetic Pair practitioner. (Apparently one can be treated at a distance as well.)
The diagnostic tool reminds me of Kinesiology. (During our recent meeting, Hugo Macia mentioned to me in passing the Chiropractor George Goodheart who “invented” Applied Kinesiology in the 1960’s. Dr. Goodheart wanted to keep the practice for the exclusive use of Chiropractors and medical professionals. His colleague the Chiropractor John Thie published the textbook Touch For Health in 1973 in order to “democratize” the practice by informing and training individuals to help family and friends (this in the American “do-it-yourself” spirit.) Touch For Health is the foundation course for Kinesiology and it relies heavily on Chinese Medical theory – the 12 “Organ” Meridiens, the 2 supplementary meridians Governing and Central, their corresponding muscles, the 5 Elements and their corresponding emotions, colours, traits, the neurovascular points, the neurolymphatic points. Dr. Goiz has studied Chinese medical theory. He rightly observed that it has been practiced for at least 5,000 years, is based on thousands of years of observation.
(For my experience with Kinesiology – under the heading “Paleo-Macro diet” find “Diet and Muscle Strength”)
The Kinesiologist “asks the body” a question and it is the muscle response – strong or weak?- which determines the answer. (Remember, each muscle is associated with a Meridien. A weak muscle implies the meridien is unbalanced, in need of treatment.) Is it the muscle response of the quadriceps muscle which shortens???when “stressed” that determines the answer in Bio-Magnetic Pair diagnosis/therapy? Is that how Dr. Goiz developed his therapy, by asking the body questions? (He had many factors to work on – the Organs, the Pairs, the polarity north/south, bacteria?, the viruses?, parasites?, fungi? the medical conditions, the acidity etc.).
I suspect so, which is not to criticize it. Kinesiology works. According to Hugo Macia, Dr. Goiz’ Bio-Magnetic Pair therapy works as well, being the most effective treatment he has known. That “scientific” research cannot confirm it at the moment doesn’t annul its validity. In my own experience it takes sensitivity to register the muscle response. I obtained an Acupressure Massage diploma from the Acupressure Institute of Berkeley California in 1987 and I’ve studied Touch For Health and other therapies. I also began to study Health Kinesiology under Dr. Jimmy Scott. But, in truth, I never had confidence in my ability to test muscle response. It requires a subtlety I don’t have. I can’t imagine how it could be properly studied by body mechanics (i.e. allopathic medicine). So it may be that the Medical Authorites in Spain disapprove of BMP therapy and that it is practiced unofficially and semi-secrectly. (I don’t know.) In consequence I will not identify my Spanish therapist. A quick look on the Internet one can find many BMP therapists in the USA.
I am going to continue the Bio-Magnetic Pair therapy even though it is destabilizing while in progress. Normally I should rest after treatment and perhaps get an Osteopathic treatment since my body feels “disorganized”. (As one’s body structure changes, one needs to adjust movement.) Probably it isn’t advisable to be treated during a major voyage (1,600 km going, 1,600 km return). I will find a BMP therapist in Paris upon my return and thank Mr X and Hugo Macia for their help while in Spain.
I will close this with another quote about magnetic therapy in general. I am very pleased to have discovered a specific technique - Bio-Magnetic Pair - which is practiced by experienced therapists according to an established protocol.
Quotes from the following site, altered-states.net/barry/update337
Quote: "Magnetic Therapy works by affecting our blood. Normally the blood operates in a North Pole orientation, or under a North Pole effect. In this polarity the blood is oxygenated and its process of distributing nutrients and pulling wastes and toxins from injured tissue is made most efficient. When the body is ill or injured the polarity of the site is switched by the body to a South Pole orientation. This creates faster, excited movement meant to draw blood cells to the area for healing. The blood does not work well in a South Pole orientation. Its movement does not allow normal
function and an acid state is developed, which micro-organisms, viruses and malignance thrive in. *The chart below shows the affect of North and South Pole applications on the body.* Once the blood has been drawn to the area, the body, with the help of the Earth's magnetic field is supposed to change the polarity of the blood back to a North Pole orientation so positive activity by the blood may take place…
By applying a structured North Pole magnetic field, using magnets or a pulsed magnetic field generator, we can convert the polarity of the blood in the injury/illness area allowing the blood to work as it should, pulling wastes and toxins away to the kidneys and other cleansing organs, clearing a path for good cell growth aided by the nutrients the blood can now deliver. Simple and totally natural. Use a Natural field to act as a catalyst to normal blood functions. The body can now heal itself naturally. Of course if there are broken bones or vertebrae out of place the magnets will not do it alone, this is time for a good chiropractor. Magnetic Therapy is only a piece of the health pie allowing us to avoid in many cases unnatural medicines and sometimes making surgical procedures unnecessary. Magnetic Therapy works great on many conditions and studies are coming up with more uses every day… " End of Quote
Tags: Bio-Magnetic Pair, Dr. Isaac Goiz, Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer, NASA, Kinesiology, Dr. George Goodheart, Dr. John Thie, Touch For Health, Magnetic therapy, Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine,