Dr. Didier Raoult developed the successful use of these two medications through his Marseille, France research hospital to treat Covid19. Subsequent to that, Dr. Zev Zelenko began the successful outpatient treatment from his upstate New York clinic using the same medications with the addition of Zinc. Apparently by adding the Zinc, Dr Zelenko was able to reduce the Hydroxychloroquine from 600 mg a day for 6 days to 400 mg a day for 5 days. When Pres Trump learned of Dr Zelenko’s work and apparent success, he requested the FDA’s fast track approval as well as research. The Raoult/Zelenko protocols are based Dr Raoult’s research as a premier infectious disease scientist which Dr Zelenko coupled with his knowledge of treatment in China.
Unfortunately the Raoult/Zelenko formula has become partisan. Trump haters have become hysterical on the issue. They write either hydroxychlroquine is highly toxic ! (not true) or a windfall for the drug companies (not true, it is dirt cheap. Actually it threatens drug company profitability because it IS so inexpensive). A recent study in VA hospitals warns that the drug caused heart failure in Covid Pneunomia patients. which is a stupid warning to make. Covid Pneumonia itself may lead to massive organ failure, it doesn’t require anything extra to do that.
(Lupus patients take 200 mg a day of Hydroxychloroquine for up to 6 months without suffering dire consquences. Is Dr. Zelenko’s protocol of 400 mg a day for 5 days going to lead to massive heart failure ? Do Lupus patients on Hydroxychloroquine suffer heart failure when they take an antibiotic for cystitus, for example ? )
If I’m too fragile to take Hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID19 pneumonia, I’m defintely too fragile to survive the illness itself, especially under intubation in the hospital.
The damage to the lungs has been done. That’s why I worry that I can’t get my MD to prescribe it in time. Also why I worry that « scientists » will be so dishonest as to ignore the timing imperative. (And ignore Dr Raoult’s and Dr Zelenko’s work. I didn’t see these MD’s mentioned anywhere in the NIH’s injunction.) Why are they giving hydroxychlorquine to patients in intubation ? To prove it doesn’t work?
Dr Zelenko’s letter to Pres Trump
It is essential to start treatment against Covid-19 immediately upon clinical suspicion of infection and not to wait for confirmatory testing. There is a very narrow window of opportunity to eliminate the virus before pulmonary complications begin. The waiting to treat is the essence of the problem.
Emphasis must be to prevent complications in the outpatient setting and not to wait until the patient needs to be admitted in the hospital and put on a respirator. This will eliminate the respirator shortness and lower mortality significantly.
The risk of side effects is exaggerated and is fear mongering. The theoretical risk of QT prolongation is 1 in 1000. The actual risk of death in the high risk population is between 5 to 10%. The risk vs benefit analysis overwhelmingly favors treatment.
This is World War lll (virus vs humanity). We don’t have time to wait for the results of a long study. Millions will die while we wait. We need to initiate immediate treatment of high risk patients in the outpatient setting.
Any obstruction to life saving medication (HCQ) should be viewed has crimes against humanity. »
Dr Zelenko’s protocol :
« I suggest the following immediate treatment regimen of high risk patients with symptoms:
Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days
Azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days
Zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for 5 days »
Me again:
I believe the role of Hydroxychloroquine is not simply to suppress the virus (especially in the throat), but to help zinc pass the cell wall where it can halt viral replication.
Azithromycin is used to destroy germs which have been released as the virus damages the lung’s lining
My review of timing :
Day 1 Exposure to Coronavirus.
Day 2-5 After exposure virus replicates in upper throat and the person, unaware he is infected, spreads the virus by talking, breathing, coughing. (Should one gargle regularly with salt water « just in case » or rinse throat/nostrils with non toxic soap ?)
Recent research has revealed that a Pulse Oximeter will likely show reduced oxygen level in blood of infected patients even without breathing diffuculty, this being a first sign of Covid 19 ? ***When does loss of taste/smell begin ? Do MSers already have reduced Oxygen level in the blood ?
Day 5 Symptoms begin in exposed person. Virus begins to replicate in lower lung while declining in upper throat. The immune system may be able to defeat the virus, but the cytokine storm damages the lungs.
Day 10 The upper throat is virus free, the person is no longer infectious. Hydroxychloroquine will be less effective to destroy virus.
Day 14-17 China hospitalization. Swabs in upper throat are now negative, diagnosis only possible with CT scan of lungs.
Pre=symptomatic carriers are the most infectious so everyone needs to wear a MASK ;
I hope Scientists will work scientifically, that is to say, objectively and ignore all the medieval hysteria.
In the US there is no mention of Dr. Raoult who discovered the effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID 19, nor have his patients been interviwed after treatment nor his study published. And in the USA Dr Zelenko is treated like some kind of quack. In France there is no mention of Dr Zelenko, his success in treating patients, nor his addition of zinc which has shortened the treatment protocol and reduced the dosage of Hydroxychloroquine. (The risk of cardiac problems while taking chloroquine pales in comparison to the risk of massive organ/heart failure posed by Covid19 pneumonia.)
Anyway, we have Drug company interest in profiting on a drug (AIDS drugs apparently help suppress the virus. They are much more expensive than cloroquine) The Vaccine lobby is excited by the coming profits although « flu » vaccines are notoriously unstable and mutate easily.
Fortunately President Macron’s 3 hour meeting with Dr Raoult may allow French MDs to prescribe Hydroxychloroquine in their offices without clogging up the hospitals. And Trump’s intervention may free US doctors to prescribe it. (I hope)
PS Hydroxychloroquine isn’t bleach.
Final observation. Professor Luc Montagnier, joint recipient of the Nobel Prize 2008 for his discovery of HIV, the AIDs virus, has stated that COVID 19 is a man made virus concocted in a Lab. The Wuhan Lab ?, presumably in search of an AIDS vaccine ?. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/covid-19-man-made-virus-hiv-discoverer-says-could-only-have-been-created-lab?utm_campaign=&utm_content=ZeroHedge%3A+The+Durden+Dispatch&utm_medium=email&utm_source=zh_newsletter
https://www.pourquoidocteur.fr/Articles/Question-d-actu/32184-EXCLUSIF-Pour-Pr-Montagnier-SARS-CoV-2-serait-virus-manipule-Chinois-l-ADN-de-VIH-podcast He suggests that the Aids virus had been inserted into a SARS corona virus by a sorceror’s apprentice and released accidently. He did mention that after Indian scientists came to the same conclusion Jan 2020 ? their work was suppressed on the internet. He implied that since he had received the Nobel prize, he could tell the truth. He also mentioned that American scientists also work in the Wuhan lab. He gave some hope by saying that nature will rid itself of Covid 19 since it is an artifical creation, but only after many deaths. (On April 14 Dr Raoult asserted in a TV interview Covid 19 would be gone in a month. Forever ? He had earlier said that viruses are unstable and can disappear overnight. By the way, the SarsVirus in 2002-04 was mostly confined to Asia and DID disappear (almost) overnight.)
***'Silent Hypoxia' Is Making Some Coronavirus …
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Some of the coronavirus patients Dr. Levitan saw with pneumonia had blood oxygen saturation levels as low as 50%, proving how “silent” silent hypoxia really is. » From Google
Tags ; COVID 19, Hydroxychloroquine, Azyithromycin, Zinc, Dr Raoult, Dr Zelenko, Luc Montagnier, Aids virus, Pulse Oximeter, silent Hypoxia