“Frodo” on the Thisisms.com website posted the following on September 21, 2016 under
New from Zamboni
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar ... 3X16300865
NHE, site administrator, followed this up on sept 22, 2016-10-11 with
Here's more info...
Fixing the jugular flow reduces ventricle volume and improves brain perfusion
Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders. 4:434–445, 2016.
Objective: Increased ventricle volume and brain hypoperfusion are linked to neurodegeneration. We hypothesized that in patients with restricted jugular flow, surgical restoration may reduce brain ventricle volume, because it should improve the pressure gradient, hence promoting cerebrospinal fluid reabsorption into the venous system.
Methods: The effects of restoring the jugular flow were assessed by means of a validated echocardiography with color Doppler (ECD) protocol of flow quantification, magnetic resonance venography, and single-photon emission computed tomography combined with computed tomography (SPECT-CT). The main outcome measurement was the cerebral ventricle volume blindly assessed at SPECT-CT. Secondary outcomes were brain perfusion in the whole brain and in another 12 cerebral regions. The mean follow-up of the SPECT-CT and ECD parameters was 30 days. Patency rate was subsequently monitored by means of the same ECD protocol every 3 months.
Results: Among 56 patients (28 male and 28 female; mean age, 44 ± 10 years) with ECD screening positive for chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency due to nonmobile jugular leaflets, 15 patients were excluded from the initial cohort because they did not meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Of the remaining 41 patients, 27 patients (14 male, 13 female; mean age, 48 ± 7 years) underwent endophlebectomy and autologous vein patch angioplasty. Omohyoid muscle section was performed when appropriate. The control group comprised 14 patients matched by age and gender (8 male, 6 female; mean age, 44 ± 11 years) who were not treated. Comorbidity was multiple sclerosis without significant differences in relapsing remitting (RR) and secondary progressive (SP) clinical course among groups. In the control group, neither ECD nor SPECT-CT showed any significant changes at follow-up. On the contrary, in the group operated on, the collateral flow index went from 70% to 30% (P < .0003) thanks to improved flow through the internal jugular vein. Correspondingly, ventricle volume dramatically decreased in the treated group (from 34 ± 14 cm3 to 31 ± 13 cm3; P < .01). The effect was much more evident in the RR subgroup (P = .009), whereas in the SP subgroup, it was not significant. Perfusion was found to be improved in the surgical group with respect to controls, particularly in the occipital and parietal regions of the RR subgroup (P < .0001 and P = .017, respectively), but not in the SP subgroup. The probability of reducing ventricle size is increased by 13-fold (P < .03) when restoration of the jugular flow achieves a postoperative collateral flow index ≤20%. Finally, the 18-month patency rate was 74%.
Conclusions: Fixing the flow in the jugulars in patients with chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency might significantly reduce brain ventricle volume and improve cerebral perfusion. These changes are more evident in patients in the earlier stages of neurodegenerative disease.
Cece helped make sense of the research by writing on Oct 1, 2016
Vein patching is when the vein is surgically expanded by cutting the vein and patching in a new segment. Endophlebectomy is ... surgically shaving off the valve or clot or blockage from inside the vein without cutting the vein itself? Omohyoid muscle section is cutting a muscle that's compressing the vein from the outside, without cutting the vein itself.
So, yes, vein surgery in the case of the vein patching. Muscle surgery in the case of the omohyoid muscle section. Cutting from within the vein, but not actual surgery on the vein itself, in the case of the case of the endophlebectomy.
There was pretty good patency at 18 months too. That was the problem when people here were getting vein surgery done, the new veins seemed to take at first but didn't last. Vein patching always seemed more likely to succeed than that though.
Donnchadh may be aware of these options. I’ll send him a personal message just in case. But it struck me as odd that given the incredible advances in surgery, one couldn’t remove the obstructions inside his veins and subsequently “patch” them up, or even remove the obstructed vein and replace it. It appears solutions to his problem are available.
Tif of ThisisMS.com www.thisisms.com/, has been creative in finding a means to stimulate her nervous system and re-awaken muscles. She gets treatment at the Onyx Body Shaping and Slim Spa in Arizona which uses Madame and Monsieur Electro-Slim Technology. The treatments last about an hour and the attendants apply 12 electrode patches. In her first post Tif wrote July 21, 2016
Hello All,
I have started doing neuromuscular stimulation, where they attach electrodes to your body. The machine goes through 3 steps: Circulation, Detox and Muscle Rehab
Has anyone else tried this?
I'm having GREAT results.
My first session I went in for an hour. After, I was so relaxed and energized at the same time, it just felt so good. So from there, I hop into my wheelchair and go home. Prior to the session, when I tried to stand, my knees would collapse together from being so weak. After that one visit, my knees did not collapse, I stood up with knees apart. So I promptly made an appointment for the following day I am still doing it and improving, so I was wondering if anyone else is doing this... I mean, wow, what a difference it makes in a number of ways...
Her improvements continue. What a great idea, using a « beauty, fitness spa » to retrieve lost function.
Hugo Macia (www.secretosdelaesclerosismultiple.blogspot.com.es.) is testing on himself a German made Neuromuscular “jacket” to regain function. See https://www.miha-bodytec.com/en/product/
He has brought to my attention the Bio-Magnetic Pair therapy used widely in Spanish speaking countries. It may prove useful as an “energy” therapy like acupuncture, in this case magnets are used to harmonize the body’s electro-magnetic field. Maybe worth a try.
Besides muscle building, he is working with the idea that poor blood circulation diminishes the oxygen supply to the brain. I have learned that oxygen deficiency will cause the Epstein Barr Virus (very much implicated in MS) to re-activate. And if the virus reactivates, inflammation may follow along with de-myelination. So it makes sense that getting the blood/fluids to flow will prevent the EBV virus from manifesting along with all of its deletorius consequences. That may be true for other microbes as well and may be the key to preventing illnesses which trigger inflammation in the central nervous system.
This idea sends me to Leonard’s thread on ThisisMS.com A New Concept and Treatment Options For MS which he launched on Jan 8, 2011.
He considers the EBV Herpes virus to be central to “his” MS. The recent MS Hackathon in Amsterdam published his well received paper. However, there is one big omission in his personal history. I believe he has diabetes which he does not mention. Diabetes clearly causes blood circulation problems and I would suggest this is the primary problem he should address. Lyndacarol believes her diabetes to be at the heart of her MS problem. Hers may be the best advice available for him.
Since oxygen deficiency activates the EBV virus, it would make sense to get maximum oxygen to his brain through enhanced blood flow using, for example, exercise, neuro-muscular electrical stimulation, Hugo Macia’s TENS jacket, oxygen therapy. Before fiddling around with anti-viral drugs, I would start with health enhancing oxygen therapies (and Lyndacarol’s diabetes advice and experience.)
1. Chlorella – Wikipedia - Chlorella is a genus of single-cell green algae belonging to the phylum Chlorophyta. It is spherical in shape, about 2 to 10 μm in diameter, and is without flagella. Chlorella contains the green photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll-a and -b in its chloroplast. Through photosynthesis, it multiplies rapidly, requiring only carbon dioxide, water, sunlight, and a small amount of minerals to reproduce.[
2. Green Magma – Dried barley grass juice
3. MSM – Biologically active Sulfur (methylsulfanylmethane)
4. Alpha - Lipoic Acid is an anti-oxidant made by the body which attacks free radicals.
5. Candidase to treat Candida. I just went through a 2 week cleansing ( 2 caps 3 times a day). My tongue is still a bit black in the back but my intestines are less bloated and I feel better. I’m using baking soda to treat the black tongue.
6. Probiotics
7. Digestive Enzymes
Tags: Dr. Zamboni, CCSVI, Neuromuscular electrical stimulation, Epstein Barr Virus, venography, vein patching, endophlebectomy, omohyoid muscle section