Since the begining March 2012 my site was positioned at the top of the Google Search page for « MSCure » where it remained until the end of April this year. By early May it had entirely disappeared until May 14 when it appeared, then disappeared, then re-appeared. Every day since Monday this seesaw has been going on daily. Today, May 16, it was there at 10:21 am (Paris time), gone at 3.03 pm. What’s going on ?
I don’t know how the system works, but for years I assumed I had a « guardian angel » who appeared to like and protect my site which is highly critical of the BigPharma/Neurology/Medical Industrial lobby. It also offers ideas for self care and real healing outside the prevailing dogma. My « guardian » read the blog posts carefully and highlighted key passages. Occasionally the site was dumped 3 pages forward, but it always returned to near the top, if not the top, of the first « MS Cure » page (on my computer of course). Until now. It occurred to me to check out the date set for an end to internet neutrality. April 23, 2018. Has Google allowed commercial, elite interests to prevail over the interests of MS patients, or is this simply a struggle between 2 individuals ? Let’s hope Google management has the good sense to keep MS Cure Enigmas at the top of « ms cure » search.
Why does this matter to more than me ?
In my opinion people need healing ideas that they themselves can undertake, and reaons why my suggested protocols might « work ». Telling someone they have an « incurable » disease breeds passive despair. Claiming potential discovery of a « cure » breeds more passive dependence. I say one’s MS can be treated and controlled NOW which requires personal knowledge and initiative. My site is intended to provide that knowledge as the basis of one ‘s own actions. By censoring my site out of existence, Google is violating it’s responsibility to MS patients.
What in particular do I have to offer ? I read with interest about Dr. Zamboni’s insight that when veins draining MS brains are obstructed, blood is refluxed into the brain to injure the tissue. Here lay the origin of the inflammation and eventual plaques. I immediately acted to request a simple back massage bringing the blood down from my head to the waist. I opened the blood flow and could halt an impending MS « attack ». A simple TENS electrical stimulation treatment designed to bring blood down towards the heart had the same effect on me. Looking at notes and a personal journal, I realized a Shiatsu massage had saved my legs during the my first big attack. Expanding on this insight I realized why an acupuncture treatment could immediately halt a MS attack.
Gleaning information and ideas from the excellent website, I realized that cerebro-spinal fluid obstruction could be equally important in triggering MS symptoms and that a Chiropractor using the FONAR cinematic upright MRI could detect, and hopefully treat this pathology.
Then Dr. Owiesy’s insight that the smooth muscle layer of the veins can obstruct blood flow by cramping and going into spasms allowed me to understand the importance of diet. « Allergies », substances one finds toxic, can trigger blood back jets, hence MS « attacks ». Any stress can close off blood flow, even a minor self treatment can overcome the spasm.
I believe my analysis of MS Progression is particularly insightful.
None of this is available in the Google « Censor’s » choice of « MS Cure » sites. Drug research prevails, old ideas, commercial interests, Money. I believe MS researchers need to look beyond the test tube to see how the body actually functions. People can help themselves, find healers, acupuncturists, osteopaths, chiropractors, kinesiologists, homeopaths, nutritionists, naturopaths, learn by themselves to treat their MS by managing their body tension (yoga anyone ?). Even though angioplasty has recently been cast in doubt as an option, some might look to Interventional Radiologists as well.
The Google « ms cure » censor conforms to Marcia Angell’s description of the BIG PHARMA industry she exposes in her book. See« The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It Book: Marcia Angell: Kindle Store
« During her two decades at The New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Marcia Angell had a front-row seat on the appalling spectacle of the pharmaceutical industry… She saw them gain nearly limitless influence over medical research, education, and how doctors do their jobs…The truth is that drug companies funnel the bulk of their resources into the marketing of products of dubious benefit. Meanwhile, as profits soar, the companies brazensly use their wealth and power to push their agenda through Congress, the FDA, and academic medical centers…
Drug companies, she shows, routinely rely on publicly funded institutions for their basic research; they rig clinical trials to make their products look sbetter than they are; and they use their legions of lawyers to stretch out government-granted exclusive marketing rights for years… »
Dr. Angell reports that only 7% of Pharma money goes to research, the rest goes to marketing, salaries, profits, lobbyists. Most of the research is done through taxpayer funded NIH National Institute of Health.
It appears Google Search is doing the bidding of Big Pharma ? Why ?
So what do we find on Google’s « MS Cure » search, page one, for May 12, 2018 ?
First we have 2 Ads for treating the latest MS Cure « discovery » HSCT Stem cell treatment. The first clinic is located in Mexico and the second in Switzerland which sends patients to be treated in Russia or Serbia. The treatment is not approved by the FDA and not insurable.
Then we have sites which highlight articles pertaining to this HSCT Stem Cell treatment – some laudatory, other critical. Excited commentaries refer to a « Game Changer » cure. So what are we getting so excited about ?
WebMD’s description of HSCT treatment.
Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis …« Stem cells can turn into different kinds of cells in your body. Hematopoietic stem cells make blood cells. Some doctors use a type of stem cell treatment called hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) to treat RRMS. But more research is needed to know how well HSCT works against it.
With HSCT, doctors give you medication to help you make more bone marrow stem cells. Then they take some blood and save the stem cells from it to use later. You'll next get high doses of chemotherapy and other strong medications to severely slow down your immune system. This is done in a hospital, and you may need to stay there up to 11 days.
Your doctor puts the stem cells into your bloodstream so they can become new white blood cells and help your body build a new, healthy immune system. You'll also get medicines like antibiotics to help fight off infections and other illnesses until your immune system can do its job again.
Treatment usually takes several weeks. Recovery may take several months. Every person is different, but when treatment is successful, your immune system should be back to full strength in 3 to 6 months. »
The treatment requires chemotherapy (Big Pharma drugs !) which can lead to the risk of infection when the immune system is compromised – even death. Research claims of miraculous recoveries and a cure for MS are exagerated. It is suitable only for RRMS which is the easiest to treat.
Now, do you really want to undergo a serious chemotherapy treatment that destroys your immune system, go into quarantine until a the immune system reconstitutes itself, and then wait for the « Game Changer » recovery ? What, after all this pain and suffering and financial sacrifice the treatment doesn’t work ? Shouldn’t you inform yourself and consider something else before trying HSCT ?
You can start by considering MS Cure Enigmas’ Seven Steps to MS Health or Matt Embry’s excellent healing protocol under MS HOPE You can consult CCSVI Alliance for information on CCSVI as well as Chiropractor Scott Rosa’s work with the FONAR cinematic upright MRI. You can find anything pertaining to MS on the outstanding website including well informed patient feedback. Where are these sites mentioned under Google’s « ms cure » ? Even Dr. Terry Wahl’s very well known protocol (Diet, Supplements) is not listed until the bottom of Page 10 !!!!!!!!!!
But you can’t find any of those options on Googles’ « ms cure » search page. My site MS Cure Enigmas was prominently exposed until about 2 weeks ago. Now it’s gone.
Of course the remaining Google « ms cure » search sites highlight the 15 Disease Modifying drugs, standard Neurologist care, high status MS clinics, and conservative MS Societies, as well as fund raising sites dedicated to finding a cure for MS (maybe ).
Here is the Google’s first page search listing under « MS Cure » for May 12, 2018. I quote :
«Multiple sclerosis: Are we close to a cure? - Medical News Today…
That "Game Changer" Treatment for MS Is Too Good To Be True ...
Stem cell transplant 'game changer' for MS patients - BBC News…
What is multiple sclerosis, what is the new breakthrough in treatment ... Traduire cette page…
Potential new approach to the treatment of multiple sclerosis › NeuroscienceEn cache
The key to treating multiple sclerosis could be inside sufferers' own ...
Stem Cells in 'Game Changing' Treatment for MS | Fortune › Health › Stem Cells
Multiple sclerosis - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
Molecular Therapy Sparks Remyelination, Hope for MS Cure
Multiple Sclerosis Treatment: Is It a 'Game Changer?' - Healthline
Stem Cells in 'Game Changing' Treatment for MS | › Health › Stem Cells
Molecular Therapy Sparks Remyelination, Hope for MS Cure
How I Cured My Multiple Sclerosis (MS) with Diet and How You Can ...
A Naturopath was diagnosed with MS at age 24. She healed herself with diet, exercise and supplements, and now helps others cure multiplse sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis Treatment: Is It a 'Game Changer?' - Healthline
Potential new approachto the treatment of multiple sclerosis › Neuroscience"
Since Google and other IT companies evolved from research funded by the US government, i.e. the taxpayer including me, we can well expect that they freely make available information to our potential benefit. It's not for Google to censor information to the benefit of a vested interest.
Check out the following article which exposes how IT research is funded by the federal government (ie the taxpayer) which grants use of these discoveries for private, profitable use. The funders (like me) don’t even share in the benefits (profits). Quotes come from the following article.
Beware the Big Five | by Tamsin Shaw | The New York Review of Books
"The Internet, as is well known, owes its origins to DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the agency responsible for establishing and cultivating new military technologies. According to the “free Internet” narrative encouraged by Obama, Silicon Valley, and the Defense Department, the Internet technologies we use, from software to social media platforms, are controlled by the private sector…Our online lives wouldn’t be possible without the commercialization of military innovations… (Linda Weiss’s America Inc.?: Innovation and Enterprise in the National Security State 2014). Weiss describes the development in Silicon Valley of a hybrid public/private economy in which the government assists in the creation of new technologies it needs for national security operations by investing in companies that can also commercialize these technologies.
Government agencies have mitigated risk and even helped to create markets for companies whose products, while ostensibly strictly civilian and commercial, satisfy their own needs…The Small Business Innovation Research program (SBIR), Weiss tells us, “has emerged as the largest source of seed and early-stage funding for high-technology firms in the United States,” investing, at the time of writing, $2.5 billion annually. This investment—the national security agencies supply 97 percent of funding for the SBIR program—not only serves as a form of government “certification” for private venture capitalists, it also provides an incentive for invention, since SBIR asks for no equity in return for its investment.
Silicon Valley has also been profoundly shaped by venture capital funds created by government agencies. The CIA, Defense Department, Army, Navy, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGIA), NASA, and Homeland Security Department all have venture capital at their disposal to invest in private companies…
It’s not difficult to trace, for example, the profound influence of In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s wildly successful venture capital fund, which has sometimes been the sole investor in start-ups but now often invests in partnerships with the Big Five. In-Q-Tel was the initial sole investor in Palantir Technologies, Peter Thiel’s software company…
Google Earth originated in an In-Q-Tel sponsored company called Keyhole Inc.,
The US government has supported the monopolies of the Big Five companies…
Weiss points out that after the government funds research, it gives away the patents to private companies for their own enrichment. ..
The government has shouldered nearly all the risk involved in these products, ..
This is where Klimburg’s concerns about the development of offensive cyber-powers by the military and intelligence agencies intersect most worryingly with the problem of privatizing our cyber-assets... In doing so the government has sencouraged these companies to develop the most sophisticated methods for influencing the public. These kinds of military-grade information operations may then be applied to their client base…
The author’s particular concern is the intersection of the Five Big Tech Companies and the military industriel complex.
My concern here is the power of Google to censor knowledge and opinions disliked by large vested interests, like BigPharma and the Medical Industrial Complex. By enhancing the power of these interests to exploit vulnerable MSers for profit, a Google Censor violates his responsability for the people who helped finance the research – the American taxpayer like me.
Let's look at one of these wonderful MS Societies who raise money for MS research. Matt Embry, founder of MS Hope was sued by the MS Society of Canada for the design of his logo. He changed the logo and assented to their demand that he not affiliate himself with the Society. No problem, he has only contempt for them.
He is angry that this Society, supposely founded to help MSers, during 2010-13 spent 36% of their budget on salaries and 41% on fundraising (like cruises and parties perhaps) and only 16% on research. That is to say over 75% on salaries and fundraising.
Among other reforms he insists that the Society cut ties with Big Pharma. (Posted June 17, 2015.)
So much for donating to MS Societies and fund raising.
He posted the following information on the ThisisMS website.
« I wanted to let everyone know that the new award-winning documentary about MS, "Living Proof", is now available at
"Living Proof" sold out theatres in Canada and the USA. The documentary exposes the potential conflict of interest between pharmaceutical companies, neurologists and MS charities.
Here is the trailer:
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Mathew Embry
1. Matt Embry - YouTubeTraduire cette page
Visit to find a screening near you. ... Matt Embry's “shocking and poignant ... Matt Embry demands change at the MS
Society of Canada ... »
To conclude, Matt Embry also spoke with the well known MS researcher Dr. George Ebers whose extensive research revealed that the Disease Modifing Drugs (DMD) do not prevent descent into disability.
On March 21, 2013 it was announced that Professor Ebers, MD, of University of Oxford, Canada, had been chosen to receive the National MS Society/American Academy of Neurology’s 2013 John Dystel Prize for Multiple Sclerosis… The Neurology Community was less pleased with Dr. Ebers when on 17 October 2013 he gave a lecture titled “Critical Review of outcomes used in MS clinical trials” which was posted on You Tube November 4, 2013 by the European Medicines Agency…
Dr. Ebers basically said that current MS medications do NOT prevent descent into Progressive MS disability which he considers the appropriate endpoint of treatment. He deplores the serious side effects and dangers of these drugs as well as the lies about their efficacy.
During the following interview on You Tube, he states that one would be better off doing nothing than taking the DMD drugs. (He said it, not me.) (Disturbing scene from the award-winning ... - …
I disagree one should do nothing. There is much one can do to find health but you won't find the information on a Google "ms cure" search page given over to Big Pharma/Big Money. One can consult my Seven Steps to MS Health on MSCureEnigmas, or Matt Embry’s protocol, for example.
Marc Stecker of Wheelchair Kamikaze is outraged by a Goldman Sachs article which observes that to make money it’s better to « manage » an incurable disease like MS than to cure it.
April 16, 2018
« In a report entitled "The Genome Revolution", Goldman Sachs analysts ask, "is curing patients a sustainable business model?" While acknowledging the vast potential of genetic treatments, the report states “Such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus chronic therapies. While this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and society, it could represent a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for sustained cash flow. »
« there is very little incentive for pharmaceutical companies to research and develop cures for diseases when marketing treatments that transform patients into customers for life is an immensely profitable business model. »
Marc believes "the problem with this formula is that publicly traded companies are mandated by law to be beholden to their stockholders, not the end users of their products. »
Actually, this is not The Law, but a debased interpretation of the law which Milton Friedman began to popularise in the 1970’s. Marc might be relieved to know there is opposition to that interpretation which is not only destructive to society, but to the Corporation itself.
Steve Denning explains on Forbes why this is a dumb idea.Making Sense Of Shareholder Value: 'The World's Dumbest ...
Thanks to Ralph Nader for referring to Larry Fink’s letter to CEOs (see below) in his open letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook.
Larry Fink’s 2018 letter to CEOs on how companies must have a social purpose and pursue a strategy for achieving long-term growth.
« Society is demanding that companies, both public and private, serve a social purpose. To prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance, but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society. Companies must benefit all of their stakeholders, including shareholdsers, employees, customers, and the communities in which they operate. »
SO, I say let Google assume its responsibility to MS patients by reining in the power of Big Pharma to dictate who appears on the « ms cure » search page.
One might protest « what makes you think you're so great that your MSCureEnigmas site deserves to be on page one of the « ms cure » search ? » Well, my Google « guardians » apparently thought so for nearly 6 years as they very carefully read and wrote synopses of my posts and positioned the site within the first 3 on the search page. And if the medical industrial complex Censor feels threatened enough to « disappear » it, I must be doing something right.
As long as Google favors Big Money to the detriment of MS patients, I’ll go with Microsoft’s Bing. Let’s hope Bing improves their syntheses of my site.
Update May 29, 2018, The following article dated June 22, 2016 reveals I'm not being paranoid. Loss of first page search position means loss of readership. I'm not a business and money isn't an issue for me. If I had known what I know now I wouldn't have lost use of my body. I want to share that knowledge. See
"The New Censorship
The biggest bully on the block.(Eva Hambach/AFP/Getty Images)Google, Inc., isn't just the world's biggest purveyor of information; it is also the world's biggest censor."
Tags : MS Cure,, Matt Embry, MSHope, Dr Marcia Angell, Dr. George Ebers, Marc Stecker, Larry Fink, Google, Big Pharma, HSCT stem cell,, Dr Zamboni