It appears that’s what the optimistic EBV researchers think.
I’ll tell a story.
A group of SOLVING MS FB participants were very excited about Dr Owiesy’s CCSVI solution and asked if we could enter into private communication on the matter. Dr Owiesy had proposed injecting the Internal Jugular veins with a chemical solution in order to facilitate blood flow by relaxing a stenosis. I mentioned this on my blog, the resource triggering their FB request. Dr. Owiesy’s is an interesting idea well worth exploring, but some of my other private contacts have indicated that Dr Owiesy has abandoned open CCSVI research and retreated into his private practice, not wanting to challenge the hostile MS drug lobby. He didn’t get much recognition from the Interventional Radiologist crowd either who themselves have been dumped by the MS Research inner sanctum. In any case I didn’t have more to offer than the idea. Since Dr Owiesy treats migraines and Trigeminal Neuralgia with his injections of the Jugulars I myself would ask a specialist to try the same on me if I still lived in San Francisco. The treatment is fairly mild, and may be worth a try. But I now live in the French countryside. Also, since French MDs have been totally subjugated by the Covid dictatorship, they have lost my confidence.. I might be able to open communication with a Parisian MD but I won’t even try here. Anyway, I feel I’ve established a reasonable self treatment protocol which I’ll continue. (My failure to get effective Osteopathiic treatment during the Covid confinement seriously set me back.)
My posts had been welcomed on SOLVING MS FACEBOOK until the administrator blocked my access. This was before I posted an admittedly inflammatory article stating my belief that Neurologists don’t know how to treat MS based on their failure to recognize the fluid circulation issue. (CCSVI). The private group apparently dumped me after I posted that on the private message FB board. Total Silence.
Paradoxically this same SOLVING MS FB site had posted an excellent article titled « Could EBV be the cause of venous vascular problems in MS ? » Will the various Universities busy working on the EBV origin of MS using the Stanford study (see below) ignore the vascular CCSVI issue ? In my opinion there won’t be a « cure » if the vascular issue is ignored
« ... rosis.html
How Epstein-Barr virus triggers multiple sclerosis
Study identifies how Epstein-Barr virus triggers multiple sclerosis
A new study found that part of the Epstein-Barr virus mimics a protein made in the brain and spinal cord, leading the immune system to mistakenly attack the body’s nerve cells. »
Since around 90% of the world population carries EBV antibodies, other factors must be at work in the pathology of MS.
If researchers confine themselves to the EBV origin of MS they will be confronted with an entire subset of pwMS who never suffered Mononucleosis or who lack EBV antibodies. These are accident victims (or perhaps birth defect). I believe the cinematragraphic FONAR UPRIGHT MRI would be a preferred method to distinguish various subgroups since it reveals CNS fluids circulation as well as skeletal obstructions. One must keep in mind that the pro-chemical drug bias of medical research tends to ignore a structural defect. I would be thrilled to see the condition of my CNS fluid flows - obstructions? narrowings? where? - but Dr Damadian's FONAR MRIs are located mostly in the USA Florida and New York.
So here we must mention the seminal work of Dr George Ebers who discovered the genetic factor which links Vitamin D deficiency to MS. It MAY link to EBV as well. Epidemiological studies have shown that lack of sunlight (Vit D) exposure during childhood development increases susceptibility to MS.
I don’t pretend to understand how this VIT D deficiency links to Mononucleosis and EBV. When we see how Vit D deficiency increased morbitity and mortality in Covid 19 disease we can assume a similar deletorious impact on EBV infection.
The identification of a vitamin D–responsive (VDRE) motif within the HLA-DRB1*15:01 promoter region provides an attractive explanation for the combined effects of HLA-DR inheritance and vitamin D exposure on multiple sclerosis (MS) risk." End Quote
Dr George Ebers joined a MS research team in South Africa interested in the role of diet modification’s impact on the brain’s grey matter health. Joan Beal has written a great deal on the importance of nutrition in preventing the shrinkage of her husband’s grey matter. If one studies MSers who have self healed, they ALL stress nutrition. So for now I'll return to my own Eight Steps to MS Health.
Tags : MS, EBV, Mononucleosis, Dr Owiesy, Solving MS FB, Dr George Ebers, CCSVI, Vitamin D, HLA-DRB1*15:01