When Google shadow-banned my site MSCure Enigmas.net spring 2018, I was only surprised that it had taken so long. Since I began publishing in 2012 I had rejected the MS neurology/drug cartel in favour of « natural » healing and the newly recognized CCSVI vascular protocol of Dr Zamboni.
But what was that compared to the Covid 19 murder and mayhem to follow ? I knew as of January 2020 that Covid 19 could be effectively treated with Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and when I saw it taken off the over the counter market in France late January 2020, I smelled a rat. I began to write about the Pandemic lies, posting an article thus titled only to see it blocked on my site. (See Blog post July 20, 2020 Covid 19 Vaccine- A Sordid Tale),
On my site Multiple Sclerosis began to take a back seat to the Covid 19 criminal enterprise. We were fighting the same enemy, the big money takover of Medecine and Health in general. I watched in horror as the Medical profession refused to treat Covid patients with inexpensive repurposed drugs - HCQ and Ivermetin – while killing them in hospital with Remdesivir and Ventilators.
OK, they were waiting for a vaccine which was unrolled in (suspiciously) record time. From day one the « vaccines » began to kill and injure people. In fact Pfizer’s own clinical trials revealed the dangerosity of these injections which were forced on the population if they wanted to work, or do anything. And even as the victims kept piling up, the US government continued to impose the « vaccine » mandates while the WHO continued to recommend them.
And then we learn that Pfizer can’t be sued for clinical trial fraud because they were working under USA Government contract. Does that mean that the United States unleashed a potentially deadly virus on the entire world population to then bully it into being injected with an experimental drug ? Does that mean the rulers of the « indispensable » nation are everyone’s enemy ?
MS remains my subject, converging on the COVID story which has assumed a ridiculous tribal aspect. Faithful Democrats can’t imagine that their tribe has done them wrong. Those prominent in the Covid truth camp often assume Covid must be a Communist plot when, in truth, the Covid alliance of big Corporate money (Capitalism) and the Government fits the definition of Fascism.
My analyses and emphasis on the fluid circulation issue set me apart from other alternative healing sites. I insist it is of vital importance.
If had known that my MS is essentially a pathology characterised by obstructed central nervous system fluid flows – blood and cerebrospinal fluid – I wouldn’t need a cane to walk today. That one simple concept changed my life forever, but it came too late to save me from handicap. It came in time to slow progression.
My research has concluded there exist three fundamental fluid obstructions. 1) skeletal obstructions of fluid flows – bones, ligaments, muscles, arteries. 2) spasms in the veins’ middle smooth muscle layer which obstruct blood flow and 3) stenosed veins in need of being ballooned open to overcome interior obstructions, the CCSVI issue.
Before undergoing venoplasty for CCSVI by an Interventional Radiologist (issue 3), I think one should verify that there is no skeletal obstruction (issue 1). The best diagnostic tool for that is a cinematic upright FONAR MRI. Chiropractors are probably the best therapists to determine and treat skeletal obstructions and may be able to suggest tools less expensive than the FONAR MRI. Issue number 2 may be the easiest to treat through relaxation techniques (yoga) or simple blood/cerebrospinal fluid circulation therapies such as massage, acupuncture, neuro-muscular electrical stimulation, osteopathy, or swimming. The injection by a MD of a mixture of dexamethasone/lidocaine/thiamine used to treat trigeminal neuralgia may be considered.
After a lifetime of eating badly, ingesting antibiotics and other toxic chemicals, exposure to heavy metals and nuclear fallout, toxins build up in the body and need to be flushed out in order to maximize the benefit of ideal, personalized foods and supplements. Check out DETOXIFY on the Internet to find your preferred protocol. One example:
want2bike (From Thisisms.com)suggested
“Dr. Hyman explains his 10 day detox diet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgcGlei_JLowant2bike
I had the advice/assistance of a kinesiologist/nutritionist and won’t myself suggest a detox protocol. Dr. Hyman maintains that a simple diet change over 10 days will do the trick (or at least be a beginning) which is something anyone can try. So why not? (It takes 5 days to withdraw from a food allergy).
See also my Detoxification and Supplements post.
See C-Reactive Protein – Key to MS Diet
Diet is critical to many diseases, particularly « auto-immune ». However, areas of vulnerability differ. For MSers it’s the vascular system linked to the central nervous system that matters. Diet impacts production of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) – which in turn impacts the endothelium of the vascular system. Secondly, proper diet acts to reduce cellular inflammation thereby preventing spasms in the veins’ smooth muscle layer. It follows that for MSers proper diet facilitates blood/cerebrospinal fluid circulation. For those without a serious veinous obstruction, diet/supplements alone may suffice to heal
I have been taking a customized Standard Process Supplement Protocol (with additions) recommended by my Kinesiologist/Nutritionist since 1984 so I won’t suggest a general plan.
As to Diet, consider my post Paleo-Macro-biotic diet.
As a general protocol consult Matt Embry’s excellent
http://www.mshope.com. (food, supplements, exercise, CCSVI).
5. SUNLIGHT OR UV RAYS on the skin at least 15 minutes daily to release Nitric Oxide essential to vascular health and blood circulation.
6. Homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum by Boiron to head off most viruses. IT WORKS (unless perhaps one is taking a toxic drug. Anti-biotics annul it for me.) Cost – 1 euro the dose, 1 or 2 doses will stop a sore throat, 6 doses maximum treatment over 3 days ($8). (Note- It didn’t stop Covid 19. Ivermectin did.)
7. EXERCISE BUILD UP PROGRESSIVELY (Consulting a Physical Therapist may help.)
Be moderate in terms of your current condition. Don’t do so much that you throw yourself into an « attack ». (Early on I stressed myself with a « performance » mentality.) Now I walk a minimum number of steps per day and swim when I can.
Be creative. Tif of ThisisMS.com has recovered function with Neuromuscular electrical nerve stimulation in the Onyx Body Shaping and Slim Spa which uses “Madame and Monsieur Electro-Slim Technology”.
Hugo Macia (www.secretosdelaesclerosismultiple.blogspot.com.es.) is testing on himself a German made Neuromuscular “jacket” to regain function. See https://www.miha-bodytec.com/en/product/