for a championship French sports team and is accustomed to putting dislocated
muscles and bones back into place. When I arrived I could barely walk and
wondered if my nervous system was failing me. No, upon leaving my legs moved
freely, I was liberated. And think of it this way. The muscles were so
tightly compressed around my pelvic region that they literally prevented my legs
from moving. Like a horror film, I could imagine my entire musculature
shrinking, compressing my skeleton to the point I was becoming immobilized. He
said there was so much tension built into the shoulder/neck/head area that the
muscles were compressing all circulation from the head like a vise. So if I
think of what these muscles are doing to fluid circulation through my neck,
head, and spine I can well imagine a blood reflux injury to the central
nervous system - a good definition of MS.
I think there is a MS personality which creates this exreme body tension problem. This may anger some, but keep in mind I am describing myself as much as anyone. Also, rigidity describes not only the patient but also her therapist/doctor. That is why it is so difficult to get experts to "move" away from their established position and see the disease differently. They are paralyzed. Indeed, as MS patients become more felxible and move away from orthodoxy, they may become less "sick" than their Doctors. If your Neurologist has a hysterical fit at the mention of CCSVI, consider his to be a neurotic, "sick" reaction. Let's look at this.,
I believe MS patients and their Doctors/Therapists struggle under the shadow of the Mythical God Saturn.
What does he represent?
Authority. Career. Profession. Duty. Recognition. Rules. Patriarchy. Doctor. Science.
Hierarchy. Rank. Status. Conformity. Responsibilty. Organization. Order. OrthodoxyControl. Constriction.
Rigidity. Inflexible. Repression. Limitation. Depression. Negativity. Critical.
Caution. Judgement. Hardship. Security. Safety.
Structure. Skeleton. Bones. Teeth.
Falls. Failure (Success) Fear.
Wisdom. Old Age. Time.
Cold. Crystallization.
Now, remember, I’m talking about myself. On the site a newly diagnosed member asked what she
should do, I sent off my “After Diagnosis” blog. Her response (I can’t find the
exact quote) “Yikes, that’s too much for me and said with such authority!”. I
frightened her off. In fact, everyone tends to write with authority, for one
it’s zinc and magnesium (what about the rest? Vits B, C, D, E, minerals calcium
etc) For another a long recommendation for insulin testing. Newbies tend to get
hit with an overwhelming deluge of suggestions (and with such AUTHORITY) that
understandably they might prefer to retreat and just go for the safety of the
established authority, their Doctor. To get a good look at MS Authority, look at
the You Tube Video of Dr. Terry Wahls “Minding Your Mitochondria”, she has it in
spades. I’m not the only one who finds her “I am the one and only true
authority” tone irritating even though I find her video very instructive. (I
don’t altogether agree with her diet – the meat part especially– and she doesn’t
there say that she stimulates her blood circulation through electrical stimulation of her back muscles.
That’s my authority protesting. Details here under Paleo-Macro diet.) You
often hear this same deep, imposing tone of authority in MS patient videos.
Fear. Obviously MS triggers fear, and the fear exacerbates the MS. For Safety one seeks the shelter of the
Patriarch, the high status Neurologist. And one might even gain in status by
entering into the restricted circle of MS patients who undergo all the high
priced examinations – MRI, Spinal Tap, etc. and get prescribed the high priced
drugs. Everyone hopes to be THE ONE to unlock the enigma of MS and find the
cure. One gains status by participating in the Scientific project (though most
would agree this is a meager compensation for having a debilitating
MS patients are known to be high powered, ambitious people. Consumed by what I call “Success Stress”, in
search of status, rank, recognition. Some conform to the established treatment
protocol. Others resist. But they are all subject to the rigidity of the MS
model presumably dictated by Science, if only in having to deal with
Neurologists who refuse to consider alternative therapies as being Unscientific.
Unfortunately Medical Science is too deformed by Money and Vested interests. The FDA disgraced itself
by overriding their own scientists to OK the neurotoxin Aspartame and they
continue to refuse pulling it from the USA market. One has reason to believe
that Big Pharma pressured the FDA to restrict Angioplasty treatment for MS
patients. Would some curious Scientist set up a study to see if a simple back
massage would stop an MS attack? Or do a statistical study of MS women to see if
there is a high incidence of menstrual cramp histories? Everyone is looking for
the Big Buck breakthrough. And “Science” has already determined that beta
interferon doesn’t work. So why keep prescribing it?
RIGIDITY: I believe that childhood stress may actually deform the vascular system eventually leading to
the blood reflux in CCSVI. And even if that deformity doesn’t exist, a lifetime
of stress leads to muscle contraction, and skeletal rigidity which in turn may
impact the vascular system and fluid circulation through the brain and spinal
cord. Thus specialists in bones, skeletons, and teeth may be called on to treat
this rigidity in order to overcome it – Osteopaths (Europe), Chiropractors,
Dentists (known as Saturn professions.) Massage therapists may be as effective
(unless there is a real skeletal deformity) even though they suffer from a lack
of status which tends to undermine their position. What if MS could be best
treated by a Masseuse rather than a Neurologist? Think of the status comedown.
Better stick with orthodoxy.
How does this fit me?
I have always suffered from extreme muscle tension. Rigidity. Crystallization. Subject to Falls. Subject to
the imperative to succeed. Childhood fear of authority. However, I resist authority – which
increases the body tension. At the same time I’ve been open to unorthodox
healing modalities. I want my voice to be heard, my authority recognized. May
not happen, but the question arises. And in some ways I consider myself a
healer, if only as a hidden voice for change.
If one feels that Saturn doesn’t define one’s character, chances are good it defines a childhood
authority figure against whom one developed in opposition.
A good quote from the great historian Eugen Weber writing about why so many Doctors in 1930’s France adhered
to the reactionary Royalist political faction l’Action Francaise.
“The authoritarian temperament is a professional deformation in Medicine.”
(This can be said for most Healing therapists.)
My general advice. Seek Flexibility. Take confidence in your own ability to heal, find your own
authority. Once I heard about Dr Zamboni and CCSVI I asked for a neck, upper
back massage to bring blood out of the brain and thus stopped “attacks”. I then
tried out TENS acupressure with unexpected success. It may be something as
simple as an occasional massage will do wonders. Exercise and seek suppleness –
blood circulation. It’s frustrating to me that so many remain imprisoned in old
rigid concepts. But I believe the ice of orthodoxy is slowly melting even though
established vested interests don’t want to let go.
And back to the idea of sickness. Classical Homeopaths believe that mental illness is
more serious than physical illness, that when a psychotic person “heals” he
falls ill with Eczema (for example) or another physical ailment. I like to point
this out to arrogant people who suggest that psychological problems must be at
the origin of my MS. This usually shuts them up. (Well, this may be true in the
limited sense that stress triggers severe body/muscle tension. A good reason to avoid crazies in the family.)
I believe that Neurologists are not doing their job. That will be my next post, what Neurologists should be
doing. If one’s Neurologist shuts down at mention of CCSVI, for instance, he has
a rigidity problem. He in fact may be “sicker” than you (if that is any
consolation.) Unfortunately we are all caught in an iron clad rigid web of
orthodoxy, conformity, hierarchy, which vested interests play on to maintain
their privileges (drug companies, neurologists, medical equipment companies and
an entire industry surrounding MS diagnosis and treatment.) They use Fear to
keep everyone in line, fear of paralysis for the MS person, fear of loss of
status and recognition for others (and also the MS person.)
The entire planet is in the throes of Revolt against established authority. Why not the MS Community?
(Key words: Multiple Sclerosis, MS Cure, CCSVI, Science, Rigidity, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Massage, FDA)