This is why it is imperative to treat Covid 19 within 5 to 7 days of symptom onset while the virus resides principally in the upper respiratory tract and manifests as a respiratory infection. January 2020 the French expert in infectious disease Dr Didier Raoult was optimistic that a Pandemic could be avoided because the Coronavirus is sensitive to the inexpensive molecule Hydroxychloroquine. (I remember thinking he should receive the Nobel Prize for preventing a world disaster.) No such luck. A vicious campaign against him in France followed and Hydroxychloroquine was taken off the market. French MDs have been FORBIDDEN to prescribe it. Instead, they are told to tell their patients to stay home and take Doliprane and go to the hospital only if they have trouble breathing at which point they will suffer up to 28 days of intubation which may kill them or at the least leave their endothelium and other organs permanently injured. (I have already posted suggestions for Covid 19 treatment including the tri-therapy (Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycine, Zinc) of the American MDs Dr Zelenko and Yale Prof Dr. Harvey Risch, l’Interféron Alpha 2b (Dr Judy Mikovits) et l’Ivermectine, as well as nutritional supplements. Please refer to Swiss Policy Research
2 Research Articles
Clots, Strokes And Rashes. Is COVID-19 A Disease Of The Blood Vessels? ... od-vessels
"Whether it's strange rashes on the toes or blood clots in the brain, the widespread ravages of COVID-19 have increasingly led researchers to focus on how the novel coronavirus sabotages the body's blood vessels.
As scientists have come to know the disease better, they have homed in on the vascular system — the body's network of arteries, veins and capillaries, stretching more than 60,000 miles — to understand this wide-ranging disease and to find treatments that can stymie its most pernicious effects.
Some of the earliest insights into how COVID-19 can act like a vascular disease came from studying the aftermath of the most serious infections. Those reveal that the virus warps a critical piece of our vascular infrastructure: the single layer of cells lining the inside of every blood vessel, known as the endothelial cells or simply the endothelium.
Dr. William Li, a vascular biologist, compares this lining to a freshly resurfaced ice skating rink before a hockey game on which the players and pucks glide smoothly along.
"When the virus damages the inside of the blood vessel and shreds the lining, that's like the ice after a hockey game," says Li, a researcher and founder of the Angiogenesis Foundation. "You wind up with a situation that is really untenable for blood flow."
In a study published this summer, Li and an international team of researchers compared the lung tissues of people who died from COVID-19 with those who died from influenza.
They found stark differences: The lung tissues of COVID-19 patients had nine times as many tiny blood clots ("microthrombi'') compared with those of the influenza patients, and the coronavirus-infected lungs also exhibited "severe endothelial injury."
"The surprise was that this respiratory virus makes a beeline for the cells lining blood vessels, filling them up like a gumball machine and shredding the cell from the inside out," Li says. "We found blood vessels are blocked and blood clots are forming because of that lining damage."
COVID-19 is, in the end, an endothelial disease
European Heart Journal, Volume 41, Issue 32, 21 August 2020, Pages 3038–3044
"The vascular endothelium provides the crucial interface between the blood compartment and tissues, and displays a series of remarkable properties that normally maintain homeostasis. This tightly regulated palette of functions includes control of haemostasis, fibrinolysis, vasomotion, inflammation, oxidative stress, vascular permeability, and structure. While these functions participate in the moment-to-moment regulation of the circulation and coordinate many host defence mechanisms, they can also contribute to disease when their usually homeostatic and defensive functions over-reach and turn against the host. SARS-CoV-2, the aetiological agent of COVID-19, causes the current pandemic. It produces protean manifestations ranging from head to toe, wreaking seemingly indiscriminate havoc on multiple organ systems including the lungs, heart, brain, kidney, and vasculature. This essay explores the hypothesis that COVID-19, particularly in the later complicated stages, represents an endothelial disease. Cytokines, protein pro-inflammatory mediators, serve as key danger signals that shift endothelial functions from the homeostatic into the defensive mode. The endgame of COVID-19 usually involves a cytokine storm, a phlogistic phenomenon fed by well-understood positive feedback loops that govern cytokine production and overwhelm counter-regulatory mechanisms. The concept of COVID-19 as an endothelial disease provides a unifying pathophysiological picture of this raging infection, and also provides a framework for a rational treatment strategy at a time when we possess an indeed modest evidence base to guide our therapeutic attempts to confront this novel pandemic."
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