Covid 19 : The Real Scandal
It is the work of the French research scientist Dr Didier Raoult which led to the international interest of using Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat COVID 19. Dr. Raoult is a physician and microbiologist who specializes in infectious diseases. Since 2008, Raoult has been the director of the Unité de Recherche sur les Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales Emergentes located in Marseille where he began his successful Covid 19 treatment in January 2020.
When the disease first appeared Dr. Raoult was optimistic that it could be easily treated and an epidemic avoided, since the Coronavirus is sensitive to Chloroquine which also happens to be VERY inexpensive. (30 tabs cost $5.) He added Azithromycine to treat the ensuing lung infection. However, the virus needs to be treated while still in the throat, maybe no more than 10 days from exposure, 5 days from onset of symptoms. After hospital admission with breathing difficulty, it is often too late to treat the virus which has descended into the lungs. All the so called scientific studies which use the medication on hospitalized Covid 19 patients are bound to fail.
Dr. Raoult’s hopes for generalized treatment were quashed by French medical authorities. A large stock of HCQ had been pillaged from French hospitals. French Health Minister Dr Agnès Buzyn made HCQ subject to medical prescription January 2020 whereas for over 50 years it could be purchased over the counter. A campaign of vilification descended on Dr Raoult as well as misinformation on the risks of taking HCQ. By late March, French Drs were forbidden to prescribe HCQ and pharmacists forbidden to fill a prescription. Only hospitals could administer HCQ by which time admitted patients would be too sick to profit from it. (So of course that would be proof of its inefficacity.) French Doctors are furious at being unable to treat their patients in time.
Being over age 70 and in fragile health, I belong to the category of patients who will be ineligible for hospital intubation. So refusal to treat me with HCQ within 5 days of symptom onset will be a death sentence.
The USA situation. Apparently, after having studied Dr Raoult’s HCQ research, Dr Zev Zelenko of New York began treating his patients with the following protocol.
« I suggest the following immediate treatment regimen of high risk patients with symptoms:
Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days
Azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days
Zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for 5 days »
Dr Zelenko added Zinc to the French Dr Raoult protocol.which appears to shorten the length of treatment. Hydroxychloroquine thus acts not simply to suppress the virus (especially in the throat), but to help zinc pass the cell wall where it can halt viral replication. (An observed symptom of Covid 19 is loss of smell and taste which indicates a Zinc deficiency.) Azithromycin is used to destroy germs which have been released as the virus damages the lung’s lining.
Late March Dr Zelenko sent a letter describing his treatment to President Trump who took the work seriously. Unfortunately, hatred of Trump has discredited the HCQ treatment. Although enjoying a long history of minimal complications, hysterical denunciation of this well known drug has followed.
So let’s look a bit further into this scandal.
On French Television this spring I followed an interveiw of Dr Luc Montagnier who shared the 2008 Nobel prize for having identified the AIDs virus HIV. He believes COVID 19 escaped from a lab after elements of the AIDs virus had been inserted into a Corona virus by a « sorceror’s apprentice », presumably in search of an Aids vaccine. He said the work of some Indian scientists had been suppressed on the internet after they concluded the same thing. He implied that since he had been awarded the Nobel prize, he was free to express his opinion. He also said that since Covid 19 was an artificail creation, it would break down and disappear but only after many deaths. I posted on Facebook an article about Dr Montagnier’s opinion on the origin of Covid-19. It was deleted as fake news. What was fake ? What he said or that he said it ? Sorry, I heard and saw him say it.
Donald Trump is skating on thin ice when he tries to attack China for having unleashed this catastrophe on the world. Let’s say Covid 19 did escape from the Wuhan virology lab. Which team of scientists created it ? The Chinese ? Or the Americans ? According to a Newsweek article, Dr Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) had invested in the Wuhan virology lab. (Apparently they ceased collaboration on April 24.) Or maybe the French ? A team of French scientists work in Dr Yves Lévi’s lab, the same Dr Lévi married to the French Health Minister who took Hydroxychloroquine off the French free market in January. The same Dr Lévy (former director of Inserm Institut national de la santé et de la recherche medical) who has been accused of sabotaging Dr Raoult’s Covid 19 work. Dr Raoult had previously criticised Dr Lévi for doing work which suggested bio-warfare and which risked an accidental release of a toxic virus.
Accepted opinion is that COVID 19 is a natural mutation emerging from the Wuhan « wet market ». So what does Dr. Fauci suggest ? Waiting for a vaccine (which normally takes 4 years to develop, but never mind that) . In the meantime continue the lockdown. And maybe try the various – expensive - anti-virals developed to treat Aids.
Zero Hedge May 21, 2020
As "Summer Sausage" summed up so succinctly:
Fauci 2005: Hydroxycholoroquine is found to substantially reduce the corona virus load
Fauci 2020: Generic hydroxcholoroquine does nothing to reduce the corona virus load even though 50% fewer people taking it at NYU-Langone went to ICU. But expensive Remdisivir is amazing. Instead of 12 people dying, only 9 died!
One final comment. Last summer Dr Buzyn, as Minister of Health, de-reimbursed Homeopathy which constitutes .01% of the Health budget. I remarked to my husband then she will now get a good job with Big Pharma. He replied that as the wife of the above mentioned Dr. Yves Lévy she already belongs to the gang. Think of that. Is it possible that the friends of Big Pharma were willing to risk an epidemic leading to mass death and the trashing of the world economy ?
Besides the official recommendations including wearing a mask and social distancing.
1).First I consult my Pulse Oximeter every day (purchased online) to be sure I am not suffering from « silent hypoxia ». The normal reading of oxygen saturation at sea level is between 94% to 100%. Some Covid 19 patients register as low as 50% even though they exhibit no difficulty in breathing. Since blood oxygen level is an MS issue, I was please to note I register between 95 to 98 %. So for now all is well.
See Opinion | The Infection That’s Silently Killing Coronavirus Patients
This is what I learned during 10 days of treating Covid pneumonia at Bellevue HospitalDr RichardLevitan, 10 days observation Bellevue Hospital« Covid pneumonia initially causes a form of oxygen deprivation we call “silent hypoxia” — “silent” because of its insidious, hard-to-detect nature. »
2.) I will count on the homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum at the first sign of a flu symptom. (Covid1 9 symptoms are typically fever, cough, upset stomach and fatigue. Only after a week or two of this do breathing difficulties send
people to the hospital.) Normally for me Oscillococcinum will prevent even the slightest of these symptoms to develop. Ever alert to changes in my body, psychological depression and perceived constriction of my blood vessels has led me to take the remedy which will lift the depression and relax the interior tightness. Of course I react immeduiately to a sore throat, and other typical cold/flu symptoms.
Normally this remedy will prevent outright development of an illness, or, if I can’t stop it outright, the course of illness will be much attenuated. Oscillococcinum should suffice for a common Coronavirus. However, if elements of the Aids HIV virus have been inserted into it as claimed by Professor Luc Montagnier, that may be anothet matter. The manufacturer Boiron has very pointedly declared that Oscillococcinum. does NOT treat Covid 19. (To claim otherwise would be financial suicide.)
3. The Indian government recommended Arsenicum Album 30 to be taken prophylactilly. I will use it as well, 3 grains every 4 hours, should I fall ill. A Homeopathic Dr may not agree with that idea, so don’t take my word for it.
Since I am no expert, I strongly recommend getting advice.
Consult the supplements section of Matt Embry’s MSHope which provides an excellent « Recipe » for MS healing – Diet, Supplements, CCSVI, Exercise
Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc to which should be added 2 parts Calcium to 1 part Magnesium. Zinc deficiency leads to loss of taste and smell, a primary COVID 19 symptom.
Since I rely on Standard Process supplements recommended by my SF Kinesiologist, I don’t have a reliable idea myself of balanced regimen. I suggest consulting the Supplement section on Matt Embry’s site noted above. I will use his advice myself if I’m unable to procure the Standard Process since I can only purchase them in the US.
Nonetheless, I have recently added Cod Liver Oil 1 Tbls per day, my MD here prescribes 100,000 IU Vit D once a month, I take Evening Primrose Oil and Alpha-Tocopherol (Vit E) 500 IU daily.
My Husband’s Regimen : (He eats nutritionally well because I do.)
He was already taking 500 IU Vit E. daily
1 Tblspoon Cod Liver Oil daily.
25 mg Zinc daily (Dr Zelenko’s protocol calls for 220 mg zinc sulfate which corresponds to 50 mg elemental zinc, the maximum one should ever take.)
I recently added the following :
4,000 IU vit D3, 1 tablet Cal (200 mg) Magnesium (100 mg) and 2 grams vit C powder.
A Miracle ensued. For nearly the 30 years we have slept together, generally after the first hour of sleep my husband explodes out of bed gasping for air. I always fear a heart attack. He has a severe stomach reflux problem which cuts off his breathing, he has a nightly near death experience. Doctors have looked into his stomach, engaged in tortuous exainations and drug protocols, considered surgery or a device on his head at night to improve breathing..But something in these last 3 elements has completely cured him. My SF Naturopath thinks it’s the Vitamin C which is treating a low grade infection. Anyway, for my husband, the Covid 19 scare has delivered him from real long term suffering.
4.) 1Eye on ThisisMS using simple mild soap to clean out the throat, nose and eyes of the Coronavirus. Remember, the Virus needs to be eliminated at the outset of exposure before it descends into the lungs.
Recently so called « recovered » patients in France are reporting bizarre symptoms and overwhelming fatigue. In fact,they are still sick. Oddly enough, their varied agonies sound like AIDs to me.
TAGS ; COVID 19, AIDs, Hydroxychloroquine, Didier Raoult, Zev Zelenko, Zinc, Azithromycine, Agnès Buzyn, Yves, Lévy, Dr Fauci, Dr. Luc Montagnier, Wuhan virology lab