My Seven Steps to MS Health features CCSVI fluid circulation enhancement as well as nutritional/supplement strengthening of the immune system and nourishment of the brain/CNS. It turns out this may not be sufficient to prevent re-activation of the Epstein Barr Virus which can damage both the venous blood flow AS WELL AS the myelin sheath of the nerves. I am approaching this from my own experience and research and am trying to establish an effective self treatment protocol. This knowledge about the EBV effect on MS is recent and hopefully my physician will be open to treating me.(See previous blog post Could EBV be the cause of venous vascular problems in MS copied from the SOLVING MS FB.)
The EBV may explain why at times I feel like something is « eating » at me when very subtle nerve damage may be taking place. Should I take an anti-viral like valacyclovir as a prophylactic? How will I know when the EBV is reactivated ? Like all drugs, anti virals have « side effects ». Does the possible benefit of prophylactic consumption outweigh the risks ? Other anti-virals?
How EBV damages the myelin in MS ::
« Part of the EBV protein mimics your own host protein — in this case, GlialCAM, found in the insulating sheath on nerves,” said William Robinson, MD, PhD, professor of immunology and rheumatology at Stanford. “This means that when the immune system attacks EBV to clear the virus, it also ends up targeting GlialCAM in the myelin.”
Ten years ago May 4, 2014 I wrote the following in regards to the CCSVI-Ms question :
Dr. Robert Zivadinov, Professor of Neurology at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Director of the Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center (BNAC) who states in the CCSVI Symposium of 2011 in his lecture "CCSVI and Brain Perfusion” that Venous Malformations can be either Congenital or Acquired. Congenital malformations are 1) Truncular (Embryonic) or 2) Physiological. Malformations are Acquired through 1) Aging 2) Inflammation (leading to numerous disorders, for example CCSVI heart disease, as well as MS) 3) Vascular risk factors and 4) Infective agents (Epstein Barr Virus being prominent.)
Dr Zivadoniv’s 4 risk factors for MS are
- EBV Mononucleosis being number one. It is estimated that while 95% of the general population carry the EBV antigen, ALL MS patients carry it.
- Genetic: 65% of MS patients carry the HLA-DR15 gene as opposed to 20-30% non MS (if I understood correctly).
- Vit D deficiency. Extreme north or south latitude. T cell immunity factors
- Smoking
FACTOR NUMBER TWO GENETIC : HLA-DR15 gene discovered by Dr George Ebers My own English/Irish/Durch ancestry.
FACTOR NUMBER THREE : VITAMIN D deficiency. Again Dr Ebers. Yes, I was born in the Pacific NW USA in May – worst month since mother and fœtus lack sunlight during cold, dark winter.
FACTOR NUMBER FOUR : SMOKING. I don’t smoke but both my parents did. Smoking leads to low oxygen level (Hypoxia) which can cause the EBV to re-activate.
Dr . Zamboni observed that the neck and shoulder veins in MS patients are defective. I have my own theory I’ll call SUCCESS STRESS in which development of MSer veins may be damaged during childhood. (Paper to follow.)
QUESTIONS : EBV of Mononucleosis damages the endothelium creating blood flow problems. EBV also causes the immune system to attack the nerves. A double whammy.. How does Vitamin D facilitate these injuries? Does Vitamin D deficiecny damage or retard vascular development ? Will taking massive doses of Vitamin D now overcome this developmental deficiency?
Do Leukocytes clog the veins consequent of Mononucleosis ?
So, we have 2 major issues to address.
- Avoid conditions which might re-activate the EBV virus, hypoxia being the most critical. Avoid smoking, illnesses etc. Take an anti viral
- Treat CCSVI to prevent "blood back jets" which damage the Central Nervous System (CNS) as well as cause hypoxia.
Tags: Mononucleosis, MS, CCSVI, EBV virus, Dr Zamboni, Dr George Ebers, Dr Zivadinov, William Robinson, MD, PhD
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