October 2019 I very foolishly took a sleeping pill. I knew the pill would weaken me the next morning and was determined to move carefully and stay alert. Except I actually fell asleep while standing to awaken while falling. Mt right arm crashed against the bidet’s edge and broke. I spent the night in the hospital after the surgeon had implanted a small plate to solidify the bone as it healed. So far so good. I continued with my monthly Osteopath adjustments through late December. (And halted all sleeping and relaxant medication.)
We left to winter in Spain on January 10, 2020. I continued seeing an Osteopath in Marbella over January and February..
The Covid Confinement began on March 14, 2020. We were barely able to return to France on March 20. Everything shut down in France until mid May including my Physical Therapist and Osteopath. This turned out to be a misfortune for me.
I no longer experienced relief once the Osteopath treatment resumed after 5.5 months hiatus. Previously, after stumbling into the Osteopaths office on my husband’s arm, I could leave able to walk again once my legs were freed from the muscles which had been gripping the pelvis.
My husband could see the difference. But after the Covid confinement mid May 2020 the pelvic/butt muscles remained so « clenched » that my right leg was raised up shorter than the left. The Osteopath explained that after my accident the previous October, the tension in the paralysed right shoulder had pulled up the entire right side, including the leg. This was a disaster. I can’t stand now on both legs at the same time without bending them, I stumble more than walk. Everyone who knew me prior to December 2019 recognized, were even shocked by, the decline – the physical therapist, the aides soignants, the taxi drivers, friends. After 10 years of stabilization, the brief period between December and mid May witnessed a serious decline in coordination, balance, mobility.
I now realize another factor « froze » the pelvis. The Covid 19 crisis obsessed me, especially the lies surrounding the refusal to treat it correctly. As anyone who follows my site can see, as of April 2020 I wrote of nothing else. During these confinement months, after intense work at the computer, upon standing I would notice my legs/pelvic region were so cramped and tight I could barely walk at first. I assumed I could recover mobility as I always had before. But so much damage had been done, I’ve been unable to recover. I fear now spending too much time at the computer without rising to walk frequently.
Someone suggested I try Rolfing to free the pelvic region. I suggested this to my Osteopath who studied the texts briefly and made some half hearted manipulations. I continued seeing the Osteopath every 3 weeks who basically maintained the same condition, no progress.
I was worried. The « nerves » ? running down my good left side, arm and leg, were burning. For me this heralded nerve damage controlling my « good » side. What to do, who to see ? Was I eating badly ? Did I need another supplement, or even medication ?
I visited a Chiropractor. (Chiropractors are relatively rare in France, Osteopaths dominate the musculo/skeletal adjustment treatments.) I asked him if he knew about the Touch For Health theory treatment. His face lit up when he announced that he had worked with a founder George Goodheart in Paris in the 1970’s. Wow, it appeared I was in luck. I spoke of the blockages in my pelvic region observing that the meridians which controlled the pelvic muscles ran through the shoulder, a direct liaison between the spastic shoulder and the frozen pelvis. I wondered if massaging the neurolymphatics would help release the pelvic muscles.
No response. He clammed up, put me on my side on the table for a quick over the knee adjustment, proceeded to do the same on the other side, then had me lie flat on my back to work the neck, quick snaps on both sides. He told me to return for twice a week treatment. No communication. I was disappointed.
I did return 3 days later with my husband who, of course, objected to the expensive 4 quick adjustments without communication. While I agree more or less with my husband’s assessment of Dr A, the treatments did help, they broke up the « log jam ». But I obviously needed something else.
I was hoping Dr A could use his Touch for Health knowledge to « ask the body » through muscle testing the origin of my current problems and perhaps an appropriate treatment protocol. If he knows the technique he didn’t suggest it. So I consulted myself.
I observed that in some sense my skeleton was « twisted ». Because of obstructions the Osteopath could no longer release the flow of fluid descending from my head. It wasn’t just the tight muscles in the pelvic region which were impeding movement in the legs. Rather poor fluid flow must be impacting the nervous system, hence the burning down the sides of my left arm and leg. If this meant damage to the myelin sheath of the nerves, it could be particularly dangerous, the injury permanent.
Was it the Cerebral Spinal Fluid or blood injuring the myelin sheath/nerves ? Was the twisted skeleton putting pressure on the spinal cord itself?
I believe the Chiropractor Dr. Michael Flanagan would have been an immense help in analysing this problem. He wrote on the site Thisisms.com www.thisisms.com/ under “upright doc” “CCSVI and CCVBP” threads for skeletal issues (Recently deceased, he wrote The Downside of Upright Posture – The Anatomocal Causes of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis which is based on more than twenty years of research. ( See blog post June 14, 2016 in honour of Dr. Flanagan.)
Following quotes by Dr Flanagan posted on this site mscureenigmas.net.
6/14/16 Blog
« You can't always fix damaged tissues but you can manage them and halt or slow degenerative processes and manage signs and symptoms. Diet and exercise likewise help to manage neurodegenerative conditions but they rarely fix damaged tissues either. For example, diet and excercise help to manage cardiovascular disease and arthritis but they don't cure it once the damage is done. Moreover, diet and exercise require a daily committment. If you stop, the problems return. Likewise with badly damage spines causing or contributing to neurodegenerative diseases. They need ongoing care. »
Following is me.
In a nutshell, I believe as MS Progresses, muscles along the spine alternatively go into spasm and/or weaken so that the body structure is disorganized. This puts increasing pressure on the spine. The brain and spinal cord are damaged as the free flow of central nervous system fluids are restricted/diverted. Since the autonomic nervous system runs through the spine, its functions are increasingly compromised, for example urinary tract and intestinal peristaltic movement.
I believe Primary Progressive MS is caused at the outset by injury to the spine. This injury need not obstruct directly the free flow of Cerebral Spinal Fluid. As some muscles cramp all along the structure coupled with weakened muscles, that alone can obstruct free flow of CNS fluids leading to injury.
Dr Flanagan To Robni June 25 2018
The spondylosis is close to, but not quite contacting the cord. Technically it is not considered to be stenosis or myelopathy unless it compresses the cord. Nonetheless, the stenosis of the canal caused by the spondylosis is compressing the epidural space. The epidural space contains the vertebral venous plexus (VVP). The VVP is the drainage system of the spinal cord. It also drains the brain during upright posture. Increased pressure in the epidural space on the VVP decrease the pressure gradient for blood flow to the cord. Decreased blood flow to the cord can cause chronic ischemia and degeneration. In my opinion, spondylosis can also affect CSF flow between the cranial vault and spinal canal. The endplates of all your lumbar vertebra show similar signs of compression deformation but there is no stenosis due to spondylosis. Your signs and symptoms are due to the spondylosis causing and stenosis of the spinal canal in the cervical spine and increased pressure on the spinal cord similar to
but not quite a myelopathy. I have consulted and treated many cases similar to yours. Blossom is a good example. As I recall, you said you played soccer. Heading the ball and hard falls on the buttocks would explain the deformation of the endplates in the cervical and lumbar vertebra. » End to Dr Flanagan quote
Back to me.
I am very fortunate that a young, enthusiastic lady Osteopath has recently established herself in the village. I proposed that she treat me once a week on Monday, her work to be complemented Wednesday and Friday by my Physical Therapist. We hope to unblock the Pelvis AND free the fluid flow descending from the head throughout the spine and back. Maybe to correct the leg lengths.
Unlike too many therapists, she recognizes (and encourages) the need for the patient to take responsibility for her treatment. We will work together, what my San Francisco Kinesiologist called « Symbiotic » therapy.
Already the burning symptoms running down my left arm and leg have disappeared. But I’m a long way from overcoming the leg length imbalance. However, my main goal now is to free the CSF and blood flow. We shall see.
Tags : Covid 19 Confinement, Osteopath, Chiropractor, Dr Michael Flanagan, MS Progression, CCSVI, CCVBP , Thisisms.com