The fundamental elements of my treatment can be found under the following blog titles..
Acupuncture (which includes Self Acupressure)
Paleo-Macrobiotic Diet
Supplements and DeToxification
I have used energy therapies which enhance blood circulation - Acupuncture, Self-Acupressure, Kinesiology, Osteopathy (France) Chiropractic (USA), Physical Therapy, Massage, Swimming. I now treat myself daily with Self Acupressure and swim if possible - the BEST way to get the blood flowing. I try to get a neck/back adjustment at least once a month. If I can swim I don't need an Acupuncture treatment, otherwise I try to get one treatment a month. If stressed I ask for a brief neck and upper back massage to push the blood down towards the heart. A full body massage will enhance blood circulation, but usually the following day EVERBODY feels tired because the massage releases toxins from the muscles (that isn't particular to MS.)
It is possible one has a vein obstruction which requires angioplasty in which case these circulation therapies probably won't work as they have for me.
See blog: Cure or Control?