I just had the most incredible experience.
On waking one morning
recently the muscle wrap around my lower left leg and foot was particularly strong. This implies a minor « attack, and/or pressure on my spine during my sleep. (It calls for an Osteopathic adjustment of the spine.) This suggests a problem.
I had swam 2 days previous, Then at lunch I consumed a few things forbidden on my diet, some gluten, some milk in my tea, a gelatin egg entrée which had a small slice of ham. Meal : Hamburger patti ; potato, red pepper, onion, olive oil, balsamic vinegar. The « allergy » pain of the Gall Bladder meridien running down the outside of my left leg began to ache terribly until I had to lie down to sleep for maybe 2 hours. Upon waking my left leg and foot cramped so badly I had trouble (briefly) walking.
Here we have a severe reaction to toxicity which triggered muscle spasms/cramps linked to the autonomic nervous system causing a minor MS « attack ». (I write this because I believe the Gall Bladder meridien is linked to the Autonomic Nervous System. When it goes into spasm, my left leg lifts up automatically. Incidentally the spleen reflex point on the outer sole of the foot triggers this reflex. That makes sense since the Spleen is linked to the immune system and allergy.)
I consider this to be a vivid demonstration of how cellular inflammation (toxicity) leads to calcium release, followed by muscle contraction which leads to poor CNS fluid circulation (blood, CSF) and a MS attack.
Frankly, I can’t understand how what I consumed could trigger such a severe reaction. Perhaps I’ve become particularly sensitive. One other factor : I had given myself the Bio-Magnetic Pair self treatment periodically the week previous. Looked at positively, this could be a healing reaction. Nonetheless I’m going to stop the treatments for a few days. (And, to be honest, I had been « cheating » on my diet. I may have reached a threshold beyond my tolerance level.)
Dr. Owiesy’s work provided the vital missing factor in my understanding of what is happening in my body. He administers dexamethasone/lidocaine/thiamine in the area around the Internal Jugular Vein to overcome spasms in the vein’s smooth muscle which can obstruct blood flow. He is treating the ANS autonomic nervous system.
Consider DR. Arata’S TRANSVASCULAR AUTONOMIC MODULATION (CCSVI plus massage) Dr. Arata’s work on CCSVI complements Dr. Owiesy’s approach, viewed from a differenct perspective. He, too, refers to the ANS which runs from the spine up the IJV (for example) towards the brain. He believes angioplasty to the internal jugular veins acts upon the autonomic nervous system as well. https://multiplesclerosisnewstoday.com/ ... -patients/
« Drs. Arata and Sternberg conclude that the combination of balloon angioplasty of anatomically normal veins coupled with external compression during dilation of these veins can improve indicators of ANS dysfunction, reporting that the safety and efficacy of TVAM in MS patients observed in this pilot study is encouraging »
So, back to the drawing board.
I’m not going to undergo angioplasty. Occasionally I should enjoy « external compression » like the Shiatsu massage which stopped my first major attack.
Most importantly, I can prevent spasms/cramps in my vascular system i.e. prevent an MS attack, by eating properly. So I’ll reprint here 2 previous posts.
MS FOOD (AUGUST 19, 2016)
Upon re-reading Mega-Nutrients For Your Nerves by H.L. Newbold, M.D. (1975) I realize I have failed to insist on the role of food allergies in MS pathology. Not only must a healing diet provide optimal nutrients, it must avoid foods which “poison” through “allergy”…
I bought Dr. Newbold’s book February 28, 1983 (now out of print, available only second hand) while trying to work out a supplement program on my own. Dr. Newbold practiced medical nutrition in Manhattan with particular interest in emotional disorders. He recommended work with an MD who should do a full allergy, vitamin (especially blood serum Vit B12 and folic acid), mineral (hair sample), chemical and endocrinological work-up. He himself had hypoglycemia which had led to his interest and eventual expertise in medical nutrition.
Right. There was only one M.D. at my San Francisco HMO interested in vitamins and medical nutrition, he was treated like a leper by his colleagues, and his advice was very conservative, even rudimentary. While Dr. Newbold’s advice was in keeping with what I would eventually do (eliminate sugar, milk, glutens, refined foods, eat high protein diet with raw vegetables, full spectrum light etc) I never tried the mega-dose of vitamins he recommended. I lacked the confidence to do that on my own. Also, I couldn’t obtain the blood tests. It would take another year to find the equivalent therapy, though with a Phd nutritionist/kinesiologist Dr. Jimmy Scott.
Dr. Scott used the unorthodox kinesiology muscle test to determine my allergies, his definition of allergy being that an allergen perturbs the body’s energy flow which can be observed by a weakened test muscle. Dr. Newbold used the somewhat clumsy fasting, mono food method. After fasting 5 days to remove all foods in the body, one re-introduces a substance one at a time to see if there is a reaction. Dr. Arthur Coca introduced pulse testing having observed that the pulse rate increases after eating a food to which one is allergic. (See Jimmy Scott’s book page xiii Cure Your Own Allergies in Minutes 1988. Also check out the pulse test self help site. If the pulse rate increases, doesn’t that right there imply a stress response?). My Paris Doctor considers Kinesiology muscle testing too subjective and prefers blood tests (250 food items tested). This is probably Cytotoxic testing in which reactions in the white blood cells are observed. Dr. Scott feels these are only 75% valid and only if a food item has been recently eaten. Dr. Newbold finds traditioinal skin allergy tests are only 20% effective. So it’s not easy finding a therapist who can work up a valid personalized food allergy profile.
It’s generally safe to assume an allergy to glutens (wheat). Other grains need to be checked out. I can eat buckwheat, rice, corn and barley.
Dr. Newbold observed the reaction of a woman fed a corn solution in a film produced by Dr. Theron Randolph. She instantly displayed psychotic behavior which lasted 4 days. (see pg 44). She obviously was allergic to corn.
What does a psychotic reaction to a food have to do with MS? It’s the biochemical impact on the brain and central nervous system which implicates both pathologies, though in different ways.
MY FIRST DIET 1984 (Jan 2 2013)
The Kinesiologist nutritionist Dr. Jimmy Scott worked up this personalized diet
for me through muscle testing on March 6, 1984. I am not recommending it for
anyone, it was made to measure for me, a diet I decided to follow along with
mostly Standard Process supplements ( also determined through muscle testing)
with spectacular results. I detoxified and healed. I admit I was highly
skeptical at first, I feared Dr. Scott (a PhD in physiological psychology I
think?) was a quack, but since it couldn't harm me I decided to give it a try.
Well, you have to give the devil his due, after 6 months my intestines were
cleaned out and by March 1985 the nerve damage had healed, the results being so spectacular that my neurologist declared I couldn't possibly have healed like that if I had MS, therefore I didn't have it.
Servings per week:
Starchy vegetables 1 raw, 1 cooked
Lo starchy vegetables 8 raw, 3 cooked
Acid fruits 1 raw. Sub-acid fruis 1 raw, Sweet fruits 1 raw
Eggs 6 raw. 2 cooked
NO Dairy, Red meats, Organ meats.
YES Poultry 1 cooked (must eat with raw veggies)
Seafood 4 Raw (Sushi entered my life here)
Nuts 3 Raw
Grains 4 cooked (soak 8-12 hours first)
Seeds 2 Raw
Misc. 3 Cooked
Veggie Juice 12 Raw
Meals per day - 11
Max food per meal - 1 cup
Water per day 40-45 ozs
Salt per day - 0
Oil per day - 1/2 tsp
Avoid avocado
Eat Papaya
He drew up a complicated chart about combining food correctly.
For instance melons combine only with acid or sub acid fruits and nothing else.
Forbidden for me personally, defined as"allergies"by Muscle Testing. (Food intolérances might be a better general term.)
Lactose (IF I consumed dairy the following non-lactose dairies were OK - Yoghurt, brie, muenster, camembert, ghie, lactose free milk products)
No glutens e.g. wheat, rye, barley, oats
No "legumes" - peas, beans, peanuts, soy, alfalfa, carob, licorice
No honey, coffee, tea, sugar, artificial flavors, colors, preservatives
No margarine. Avoid safflower and corn oils, do use sesame, coconut and ghie
No olives, pineapple, nutmeg, mace, chamomile, sarsparilla
This obviously looks draconian. My main focus now is to avoid glutens, emphasize fish and seafood over red meat, make the veggie juice regularly, munch on seeds and nuts if I need to munch. I'm not eating 11 one cup meals a day, I do use salt. I just
found this diet in my papers so I'm going to try to adjust my current eating
accordingly. (I tend towards constipation, so someone tending towards diahera
may not be able to tolerate all the raw veggies and raw veggie juice. Needs
testing. Carrots are the base for my raw veggie juice which probably would mean too much sugar for diabetics.)
The supplements were important in the detox process, also to remove intestinal parasites (which actually is easy, using Zymex II - vacuum dried fruits like papaya which dissolve the beasties coat. Most people do have intestinal parasites.)
Kinesiology muscle testing does work, but it is very unorthodox and one needs to find a competent therapist.
TAGS : Dr. Owiesy, Dr. Arata, Autonomic Nervous System, Dr. Jimmy Scott, Dr. Newbold, Kinesiology, Schizophrenia, Allergy, Cytotoxic Testing, Glutens